Ellen O'Keefe 1800

Ellen O'Keefe 1800

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Date of Birth 1st Jan 1800


  • My g-g-g grandfather Cornelius O'Keefe was born in 1807.  He was married to Honorah O'Slattery in Tralee in 1826 and she was from Lisanearla.  The witnesses to the wedding were Daniel O'Slattery and Charles O'Slattery.  Cornelius was one of the first settlers in the area of Kingsbridge, Ontario, Canada in 1838.   Cornelius and Honorah had 2 children born in Ireland, Patrick around 1832 and Ellen around 1835.  Patrick married Katherine Moriarity in Ontario and they had 8 or 9 children.  Ellen returned to Ireland sometime after 1850.  We don't know what ever happened to her or if she had a family .   The family names we are looking for are O'Keefe, Moriarity, Reardon, O'Slattery perhaps in the area of Tralee. 


    Sunday 31st December 2023 05:32PM

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