Michael  Coffey1805

Michael Coffey 1805

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Place of migration
Stayed in Ireland

1805-1815 • Dunshaughlin, Meath, Ireland  DEATH MAR 1880- JUN 1884 • Ardee, Meath ; or Trim, Ireland 
2nd Gt Grandfather
Rose (Rosanna) Douglas, nee Coffey 1836-1899

Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1805 (circa)
Date of Death 1st Jun 1880 (circa)
Names of Children Rose (Rosanna) Douglas, nee Coffey 1836-1899(Victoria, Australia) Bessie(Elizabeth)Eliza Coffey 1834 - ? (Australia)
Townland born Dunshaughlin, Meath, Ireland
Place of Death Ardee, Meath ; or Trim, Ireland

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