Place of migration
Stayed in Ireland

Peter Holahan was born abt. 1806, place unknown.  He was married to Elizabeth, last name unknown.  They had at least one daughter named Sarah Anne Holahan, last name also seen as Holden on research records.

Peter's death certificate reads as follows:

D.O.D. - December 13, 1882 in Workhouse Cavan formerly of Arvagh Parish of Killashandra, name - Peter Holahan, male, widower, age - 76 years, occupation - labourer, cause of death - C. Bronchitis, duration - 2 months, certified, informant - Ralph Mulligan, Occupier Cavan Workhouse, registered - December 28, 1882, John Fraser, Assistant Registrar.

We presume he is buried in the mass grave for inmates, behind this workhouse.


Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1806 (circa)
Date of Death 13th Dec 1882
Associated Building (s) Cavan Workhouse  

Some communities associated with this ancestor