William Moore was born 1 Mar 1835 in Rashee to James Moore, a Farmer and his wife Mary Barklie. At the time of his marriage in 1861 to Anna Wightman Gunning, daughter of John Gunning of Belfast, a General Merchant with interests in and links to DunCrue Salt Mines and his wife Margaret Wightman of Holywood, William's occupation was listed as Modern Draper. Shortly after he seems to have started employment with his father in law and in 1864 he and Annie were living in Glasgow and he was working for John Gunning and Co as a Salt Manufacturer. In later years his occupations were Clothier's Manager and Bookkeeper. He and Annie had 8 children John Gunning Moore (1862) who tragically died in 1871 at the age of 9 yrs of Scarlet Fever whilst on a visit to his Grand Parents in Belfast. Mary Barklie Moore (1864), Margaret Wightman Moore (1866), Annie Wightman Gunning Moore (1868), William Barklie Moore (1870 - who died at 3 weeks of age of Enteritis), Elizabeth Margaret Ritchie Moore (1872), John Gunning Moore (1873) and George Wightman Moore (1875).

On 3 Oct 1877, Annie died of heart disease at 340 Cathcart Road, Glasgow, William was single until 21 Mar 1883 when at the age of 49 he married Helen Young who was 40. William and Helen possibly met at work, as he was working as a Clothier's Manager and Helen was a Dressmaker when they married, they had no children. William died on 8 January 1901 of an enlarged Prostate Gland and Cystitis at 48 Sandyford Street, Glasgow. Helen died on 9 Dec 1903 of Carcinoma of the breast at 948 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow.   

Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Mar 1835 (circa)
Date of Death 8th Jan 1901 VIEW SOURCE

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