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Is there a place called Salmon Falls? This would be on the River Suir in Clonmel or nearby.

Could anyone give me the location and any information regarding Salmon Falls on the River Suir. Our Walsh family-owned property in this area in the late 1800's to early part of 1900's.



Thursday 24th Aug 2023, 11:39AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hello Karen

    I am a volunteer in a neighbouring county to Tipperary so I have never heard of Salmon Falls.  Could you please provide a small amount of information about one of your Walsh ancestors, townsland lived in etc so I may be able try and answer your query.

    Kind regards



    XO Volunteer Co Offaly

    Margaret, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 6th Dec 2023, 12:56PM

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