William  Foley1812

William Foley 1812

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Place of migration
Migrated to/Born in USA

William Foley's grave in Wisconsin USA says he was a native of County Kerry. He emigrated to the United States sometime before 1841. He may have gone to Canada first. He and Margery Marcella McCormic were married by 1841 when their son, William H., was born in Broome County, NY. There were many Irish in this area but the birth records were destroyed by a fire. They moved to Wisconsin in 1842 and farmed in Erin Township, near what now is Milwaukee. Their progeny is large in the Milwaukee area but little is known about their history. 

Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1812
Date of Death 5th May 1880 VIEW SOURCE
Spouse (First Name/s and Maiden/Surname) Margery Marcella McCormic
Names of Children William H

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