Bridget  Meade1888

Bridget Meade 1888

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The Meade family were from Miltown Malbay.  My paternal grandmother was Bridget Meade and her parents were Peter Meade and Ellen (Murtagh) Meade.  The family were active in the National Movement and the War for Independence and suffered much at the hands of British Crown Forces.  While Bridget had emigrated to the US by end of 1909, her parents and many siblings remained in Miltown Malbay and endured many hardships during the period of the War for Independence, including the indiscriminate shootings by Crown Forces at Canada Cross and reprisals after the Rineen Ambush.

Bridget married John Quealy (also from the Miltown Malbay area) in Boston USA in 1919.

I'll be very glad for any additional information or commentary others may offer.

Additional Information
Date of Birth 3rd Oct 1888
Date of Death 28th Dec 1986
Father (First Name/s and Surname) Peter Meade
Mother (First Name/s and Maiden) Ellen Murtagh
Names of Siblings John, Anthony, Joseph, James, Peter
Townland born Ballinoe, Miltown Malbay
Spouse (First Name/s and Maiden/Surname) John Quealy
Place & Date of Marriage St. Aidan's Church, Brookline, Massachusetts (USA)
Names of Children John, Thomas, Vincent, Helen, Lawrence, Theresa, Brendan
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