Felix  O'Connor 1826

Felix O'Connor 1826

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Looking at Felix Connor as my potential gg grandfather. Born circa 1826 at Westland Row, Dublin to parents Michael and Catherine Connor Possible marriage to Mary Ferrier in 1847 in New Monklands, Glasgow.. Son John Connor (my potential great grandfather b. 1855) with siblings Catherine, Agnes, Elizabeth Jane, Patrick, Thomas, Archibald, Robert and William . A Felix Connor is found in Stirlingshire, Scotland born 1824 with Mary Ferrier. I know my gg was John Connor. I have confirmed all information given to me by my mother. I am stuck on Felix as I remember my mother naming him but cannot remember if he was her great uncle or gg. My grandmother (daughter of John), Elizabeth Connor's mother remains unconfirmed. Found John Connor with wife Elizabeth Fowler and all 4 children in correct name order but a Jane Robinson/Robertson has thrown a spanner in the works as a possible mother to Elizabeth Connor. For the time being I need to link Felix positively. There does not appear to be many Felix Connors so am hopeful to find a fellow ancestor researching him. On some records occupation is shown as labourer but on others (for both Felix and son John) the occupation is mariner (steam ships) and from what my mother told me and further research, the seafaring occupation is more appropriate. My DNA results show the likely areas for my Irish ancestry are in SW Munster (Cork) and the Iveragh, including north Iveragh, peninsula. Felix was born in Dublin but as people were quite nomadic I do not discount him.

Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1826 (circa)
Townland born Westland Row, Dublin
Father (First Name/s and Surname) Michael
Mother (First Name/s and Maiden) Catherine Connor
Spouse (First Name/s and Maiden/Surname) Mary Ferrier
Place & Date of Marriage in 1847 in New Monklands, Glasgow
Names of Children John Connor (my potential great grandfather b. 1855), Catherine, Agnes, Elizabeth Jane, Patrick, Thomas, Archibald, Robert, and William.
Occupation labourer, mariner
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