Ann  Quinlan1831

Ann Quinlan 1831

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Place of migration
Migrated to /Born in Canada
Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1831 (circa)
Date of Death 10th Jun 1885
Place & Date of Marriage St. James, Simcoe, Colgan, Ontario, Canada on October 16, 1848
Spouse (First Name/s and Maiden/Surname) John L. McMahon
First Child Patrick John McMahon born March 6, 1850 in Tecumseth, Canada
Place of Death Grand Forks, ND; I believe it was in a hotel fire.
Names of Children Patrick J 1850; Mary Ann 1851; James E 1853; Thomas 1854; John Quinlan 1856; Francis 1858; Ann 1859; Joseph 1861; Esther Rose 1862; Michael J 1864; Mathew A 1865; Julius (or Julian) John 1867; Abrabham J 1869; Jane (Jennie) F 1871; Veronica 1872
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