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Hello and thank you for the add

 1901 Census of Ireland via the National Archives site

Residence: Winetavern Street, 'St Anne's, Antrim, Ireland

This residence has 30 odd person residing there, all different ages and sex down to babies

 I have three suspected relatives at this place.

John MAGUIRE b: Dublin 35 years

Arthur MAGUIRE b; Dublin 42 years

Mary MAGUIRE b: Dublin 41 years

Everyone on this record occupation is recorded as 'Dealer' including the children

Does anyone know what a ' Dealer' is or have any information about this place.

thank you 


Saturday 3rd Jul 2021, 04:04AM

Message Board Replies

  • dealer in drapery goods of various types, such as laces, silks, trimmings, etc. ... All the jobs listed below can be found on the 1901 Irish Census.

    PaulM, Longford Volunteer ☘️

    Thursday 27th Oct 2022, 07:48PM

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