Robert Matchett1822

Robert Matchett 1822

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Place of migration
Migrated to/Born in Australia

Robert Matchett was born in Cloncore, Armagh in 1822 to parents Richard Matchett and Mary A ?.  Robert married Mary Jane Carrick (unknown when or where).  Robert was a labourer/ploughman/dairyman.  Children of Robert & Mary Jane: Mary Jane Matchett at Tartaraghan Bapt Cloncore Armagh, May 6 1843; Robert Matchett in Cloncore Armagh (Tararaghan Baptism) 1847, died 1847; Richard Matchett in Cloncore Armagh, (Tartaraghan Baptism) 1849, died 1849; Susannah Matchett in Cloncore Armagh (Tartaraghan Baptism) 1851, died 1851; They left Ireland in 1852 and arrived in Australia aboard the ship 'Irene' with Mary Jane aged 9 and daughter Sarah born aboard the ship.  Sarah Irene Matchett, born on ship Irene on voyage to Australia birth reg Morpeth, Newcastle, NSW Aug 18 1852; William Thomas Matchett born Waterloo Sydney Australia 1858.  Robert died at Waterloo, NSW, Australia Dec 1 1877.  Siblings unknown.



Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1822
Date of Death 1st Dec 1877
Townland born Cloncore, Armagh
Father (First Name/s and Surname) Richard Matchett
Mother (First Name/s and Maiden) Mary A
Spouse (First Name/s and Maiden/Surname) Mary Jane Carrick
Occupation labourer/ploughman/dairyman
Names of Children Mary Jane Matchett, Robert Matchett, Richard Matchett, Susannah Matchett, Sarah Irene Matchett, William Thomas Matchett.
Number of Children 6
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  • I would like to hear from anyone decended from Bridget (and Nicholas) Stanley, I would also like to gather more information, but as it is five generations back, it may be too hard.  I will wait with hope :) Jo (direct decendant) x


    Sunday 13th June 2021 02:28AM
  • I would like to hear from anyone decended from Robert (and Mary Jane) Matchett, I would also like to gather more information, but as it is many generations back, it may be too hard.  I will wait with hope :) Jo (direct decendant) x


    Sunday 13th June 2021 02:30AM

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