Place of migration
Stayed in Ireland
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1790 (circa)   Glasnevin Cemetery, Dublin headstone states came from New Ross  
Date of Death 11th Oct 1845 VIEW SOURCE
Number of Children Possible ?? Marriage 16/7/1815 between John Lanagan and Ann Nealy (Healy ?) at St. Mary R.C. Pro-Cathedral, Dublin. Witnesses Michael and John Healy. One child Joseph Frederick Lanigan died Dublin 1878 John died at Thomas Street, Dublin
Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1790 (circa)
Date of Death 11th Oct 1845 VIEW SOURCE
Number of Children Possible ?? Marriage 16/7/1815 between John Lanagan and Ann Nealy (Healy ?) at St. Mary R.C. Pro-Cathedral, Dublin. Witnesses Michael and John Healy. One child Joseph Frederick Lanigan died Dublin 1878 John died at Thomas Street, Dublin

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