William born 18.??
Father of John McCollam born 1847
John married Ellen (Eleanora) McAleese in 1869 Ellen born 1848 daughter of James.
They had 8 children William 1869, m.Rose McAuley, Ellen 1871 m McBride, James 1873, Daniel 1877 m Sarah McCarry, John 1878 m Elizabeth Campbell, Hugh 1879, Catherine 1881m John Watt, Francis 1883.

Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1809 (circa)
Date of Death 1st Jan 1890 (circa)


  • William McCollum born abt 1810 died 17 Mar 1890 Corkey, Loughguile, Antrim married Mary ? born abt 1811 died 29 Nov 1886 Corkey, Loughguile, Antrim.


    Wednesday 17th March 2021 09:36PM
  • Thanks so much Barrie. This could be him without doubt. I need to connect him definitely now to the rest of the family and make sure it's the right William. Any further help would be greatly appreciated


    Thursday 18th March 2021 08:34PM
  • Hi S

    Have been trying to fit some of Loughguiles familys togeather for a while see:





    Thursday 18th March 2021 11:36PM
  • Thank you so much Barrie!
    I have managed to put so much together as a result.
    Still wondering about a Charles and Henry I found poss William's brothers/ cousins but dont find a link


    Monday 22nd March 2021 09:20AM
  • Hi S

    I have both these folk on my database but not on the tree in the link. The reason would be that to get on the tree I have to be able to link the family with someone on the tree. I have not found a link nor have I found marriage records for Charles or Henry. The first child I have record for Charles is 1856 so his marriage would be before this date and may not have a father’s name attached as it would be a parish register record for a Catholic though a Protestant may have a civil record before this time. I have not found a death record for Charles or his wife Margaret McKinlay which I use these to find date of birth. I am also aware that the birth date on the death record may be the family’s best guess. The first recorded child for Henry is Mary 1875 who must have died as another Mary comes along in 1879 Henry may have married at a later date so will have another look for his marriage record. I also have:

    Eleanor McCollum B1830 1840ish. Married James Laverty in 1850. 6 children recorded

    Jane McCollum Born abt 1840. Married Archie McBride. Have a larger family for this couple.

    If you would like to send me a message through the Ancestry tree, I can send you some of the records I have collected. Will also have another look for records in the next day or two.




    Tuesday 23rd March 2021 03:12AM

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