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Hi there 

My elderly Uncle (my mothers half brother) was born in "Talbot Farm Lodge" or "TalbotstownLodge" in Kiltegan on 25th March 1940.  He was placed in an orphanage soon after his birth. 

Many mysteries surround his birth incuding the fact that is birth was never registered. As an adult having traced his Mother him and his mother attended the registrar in Kiltegan on the 8th of Sept 1970 (name of registrar - A McDonnell) .  His mother made a declaration of his birth and he was issued with a birth cert.   

Now in his 80's he still wants to know about this place where he was born. Can anyone help with some info on this place ??  And perhaps a picture of the lodge ?? #

Many thanks in advance for any help you can give 








Wednesday 13th Jan 2021, 08:20PM

Message Board Replies

  • Debbie:

    I located two possibilities. The first one is in Kiltegan parish. Here is a link to the property,+Talbotstown+Lower,…

    The second property is Talbotstown house but it is located in Kilbride parish a good distance away from Kiltegan parish.……

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 13th Jan 2021, 08:50PM
  • There are two baronies in that are, called Talbotstown Upper and Talbotstown Lower, and Kiltegan is a townland within Talbotstown Upper.  You can see more info about it at this link:…

    There are links at that site to records from the 1901 and 1911 censuses, in case you want to look further back in time, and also to Griffith's Valuation (mid-1800's).

    Wikipedia has an article about Kilbride, which is in Talbotstown Lower, which discusses "Talbotstwon House":

    Talbotstown House

    While no building is marked in Kilbride townland on Jacob Neville's 1760 map, houses are depicted at Tinode and Aghfarrell. The National Inventory of Architectural Heritage dates Talbotstown House in Buttermountain to c. 1750, suggesting it is the building Neville marked as Aghfarrell House and the earliest surviving building in the parish.[84] However the 1838 Ordnance Survey map depicts the ruins of 'Aghfarrell House' north of Talbotstown House in Aghfarrell townland. The Record of Protected Structures for County Wicklow dates Talbotstown House to the early 19th century Taylor and Skinner's 1777 map marks Aghfarrell as the residence of 'Allen Esq

    You can read the whole article here:,_County_Wicklow#Talbotstown_House

    That seems to be the same house to which Roger gave you a link to a property listing above.  The listing describes the property as follows:

    Detached, five-bay, single-storey with attic, house, built c.1750 but with entrance moved from the north to the west elevation c.1990. The property is roughly L-shaped in plan, with the wing to the north slightly longer and taller. The walls are finished in painted roughcast with granite dressings to some windows, whilst the gable-ended pitched roof is slated and has rendered chimneystacks and Velux windows. The entrance consists of a replacement timber door with large sidelights and fanlight, all encased with limestone pilasters with floral capitals, and an entablature and blocking course topped with an urn finial. The windows are largely flat-headed and filled with timber sash frames (some six over six some tripartite). The original entrance has been converted into a segmental-arch headed window with multiple-pane timber frame, and there are some unusual triangular windows to the attic level. Replacement uPVC rainwater goods. The house is situated in extensive grounds with outbuildings to the east.

    Perhaps one of those outbuildings is a separate "lodge," which might be what you're looking for.  The photos in the online property listing show such a small additional house, but don't identify it specifically as a "lodge".


    Wednesday 13th Jan 2021, 09:48PM

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