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Peter Leggett and John Mulhall from Bray

I’m hoping to connect with the descendants of Peter Leggett and John Mulhall from Bray. They travelled to NYC on the ‘Adriatic’ in October 1929. Peter was 28 yo and John was 27 yo

Peter went to stay with his cousin, Michael Costello in Detroit, and John  stayed with a friend – Eddie Hinch in Jersey City

Peter’s address in 1911 was 9 Ravenswell Rd Bray, His parents were Frank and Margaret Leggett and siblings Mary, Teresa.

Peter returned to Bray and married Bridget Jordan. Both died in Bray in the 1960s

John’s movements after 1929 are unknown



Daniel Kavanagh

Tuesday 17th Nov 2020, 04:36AM

Message Board Replies

  • If John stayed in the US you might be able to trace some further details on him by checking the census records. A US federal census took place every 10 years so starting from 1930 there could be sightings of him. If he stayed you may see a wife and children etc.   The US 1950 census is due for release very shortly which could also help.

    Children of Peter and Bridget would be too 'recent' to be included in online records due to privacy rules (~100 year cutoff)  so it's not possible to research them further, but possibly someone related might spot your post.

    I see the marriage of Peter and Bridget at St. Peter's Little Bray in November 1933, let me know if you dont already have a register entry for this...


    Shane Wilson, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Saturday 12th Mar 2022, 06:18PM
  • Hello, I am the Grandaughter of Bridget and Peter. I am their daughter Teresa's daughter, my name is Emilia and I live near London England. Would love make contact:)


    Sunday 7th May 2023, 10:35PM
  • details of parents, birth , marriage on Irish Genealogy Civil Reg

    Sunday 14th Jan 2024, 09:27PM

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