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I am looking for information on John Michael Clark, born May 04, 1820-1824, in Ballinrobe.  His father was supposedly the overseer for the estate of Major Blake known as Tower Hill.  John Michael Clark married Bridget(t) O'Brien. Any information on John Michael Clark and his parents would be greatly appreciated.

Katherine Pitts

Wednesday 11th Nov 2020, 04:34PM

Message Board Replies

  • You may already be aware of them, but there are records for your John Michael Clark in the Famly Search database [].  If you create a (free) account there, you can find  him under ID number KP31-6RH, and can access the records for other family members through his record, as you will see.  It shows him as being born 4 May 1824 in Ballinrobe.

    No information about his parents is given, but In each record, you can see the screen names of those who have created or modified the record, and can send them private messages, so you might be able to get more info by contacting them (and perhaps also locate some relatives that way).

    Bridget's record in FS shows her parents and several siblings, but there may be some incorrect info there, because at least one sibling is shown as having been born in Mayo, while two others are shown as having been born in County Limerick.

    The Catholic parish baptismal records which are available for Ballinrobe only go back comprehensively to 1843, but there are some partial earlier records covering the period of John's birth, so if he was Catholic you may be able to find him there.  Those records are available at this link:

    It appears from the FS records that all of their 12 or so children were born in the UK or the US, so presumably they would not be found in the Ballinrode records.

    At this link you can see info about the civil parish of Ballinrobe, which appears to cover more or less all of the area of the Catholic parish of that name, plus an area on the other side of Lough Mask, in the Catholic parish of Tourmakeady (you can see all this from the maps at this site and the parish records site mentioned above).

    At that site, there is a list of further links to info for each of the townlands in the civil parish.  If you can learn the name of the townland from the parish records (or from other records), then you could go to the corresponding townland link, where there are links to other records, such a Griffith's Valuation (mid-1800's).



    Thursday 12th Nov 2020, 11:22PM
  • Thank you so much for taking the time to find this information for me.

    Katherine Pitts

    Saturday 14th Nov 2020, 01:05PM
  • I have sent a couple of emails regarding what I believe to be incorrect documents attached to these records to the folks that attached them.

    I continue to try to source information for John Michael Clark and Bridgett O;Brien, my great grandparents, but not with much luck.  

    Any help anyone can provide is welcome.  I am also willing to share whatever I know.

    Thanks to everyone,

    Catherine Gessner LaCroix

    Ancestry tree (not updated this past year)-Gessner-Oberlin.  Previously name was just Gessner.


    Friday 15th Apr 2022, 06:32PM

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