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William Ryan m.4/11/1841 to Bridget Ready. Mary b.11/11/1842, James b.5/12/1844, Patrick b.1/3/1847, William b.11/3/1849, Michael b.28/5/1850, Ellen b.6/3/1854...... Patrick I think is my gt-grandfather & William my gt-gt-grandfather. The family left Borrisoleigh sometime after the birth of Ellen. Patrick turned up in Bradford England to marry his 2nd wife Mary Davis in 1891. I'm looking to find his and his families wherabouts between 1854 & 1891


Tuesday 3rd Nov 2020, 01:39AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hello,

    The free site for Irish government BMD records will help for anything after 1863. I would search there first? However, Ryan is one of the most popular names in that area, not just Borrisoleigh / Upperchurch.

    If you do not have access to the RC Parish Records on findmypast ( I believe there are some indexes to parish records on the big sites?) then there is always the image of any Parish register on the National Library of Ireland site. You can not search for the names here - you literally have to trawl through, page after page,. it doesn't take too long once you get your eye used to old script writing and even the best have done it.

    One problem you may have is that the 1845 famine will drastically alter the population. Those not dying may well be on the move. So, you may find them in neighbourng parishes?


    Seamus Crowe, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 11th Nov 2020, 04:16PM
  • Thank you Shay, Yes I've trawled the parish registers on NLI, that's where I found all my information. I know Patrick came to England at some point and re-married in 1891 but disappeared again a few years later with his wife going back to her home town and marrying again as a spinter. My granddad was abandoned and dumped in an orphanage.


    Thursday 12th Nov 2020, 12:53PM
  • Hello,

    Just so I am clear about what you need because I responded in a rush and may not have it right... :)

    So, was the orphanage in Ireland or England?

    From the first post I thought you were interested in locating these Ryans in Borrisoleigh aka Upperchurch?

    I have a good researcher for Ryans by the name of Roger Hoffman in Upperchirch who ''resides' in the MyHeritage website. I can contact him if it is specifically in this area but otherwise, sadly, it is a big pond to fish in for the Ryan name.

    Good luck,


    Seamus Crowe, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 13th Nov 2020, 11:50AM
  • Hello Shay, My last contact with the Ryan family that I'm trying to connect with, was the baptism of Emma in 1854. The family may have moved to another parish as suggested or they could've emigrated to England. Eitherway I'd like to find out. My gt-grandfather was Patrick Ryan born in Ireland in 1847. At some point he married  either in Ireland or England but I picked him up in1891 in Bradford England when he had remarried and then had a son. My granddad William who was abandoned in an orpahanage in England c.1894. If I can connect the Borrisoleigh Patrick and his father William to my Patrick and his father William, then I will revisit the Borrisoleigh parish register to research back further. I've also noticed that there is a John Ryan VC from Borrisoleigh, that would be nice to find if he is related. His VC is actually displayed in Rotherham where I live.  Alan


    Saturday 14th Nov 2020, 10:41PM
  • Hi Alan,

    I was reading your reply and about to suggest he may well have joined the British Army. times were extremely tough after the 1847 Famine and contributed to the massive emigration that took place. My records of my name are few and far between in America (single figures in the US census) that literally jumps to hundreds and then it is families not individuals too. Most of these Army records are held in the National Archives in Kew which is closed at present but they have put much online that is normally only available if you make an appointment. I think they have a special note of VC winners if my memory serves me right and in any case that incident and that Ryans documents will be well known and easy to find - at some point.

    I will ask Roger for some advice about this with regard to Borrisoleigh but it might be good if you provide me with an email address so he can write to you directly if necessary? I tiwill also be easier for me? :)

    All for now,


    Seamus Crowe, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 16th Nov 2020, 11:10AM

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