John Usher1802

John Usher 1802

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Place of migration
Migrated to/Born in Australia
Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1802 (circa)
Date of Death 7th Jan 1873


  • 1823 Cork Spring Assizes - Convicted of shoplifting, sentenced to 7 years. Tasmanian convict record states: "stealing clothes".

    1823 Held on the hulk 'Surprize' in Cork harbour.

    1823 05 Sep - Departed on 'Medina" for Sydney via Bass Strait.

    1823 29 Dec - Arrival: John Usher, Aged: 20 years Born: Kerry [KER IRL]; Carter, Height in feet/inches & fraction of inch: 5/6 Complexion: Brown freckled; Hair: Dark brown; Eyes: Grey; Session: Spring, Court: Assizes, 1823, at Cork (City) [COR IRL], Sentence: 7 years, Embarked from: Ireland; Arrived per Medina Arrival status: Convict 29 Dec 1823, at Sydney [NSW].

    1824 06 Jan - On muster list of convicts landed from the 'Medina' and forwarded to Minto for distribution. [Colonial Secretary]

    1825 Nov - Muster list: Government Servant; Residence: Bathurst [NSW AUS]; [to] Mr Hassall at property 'Mattavia'.

    1828 Nov - Census: Household residence: Mattavia [NSW], Mattavia [NSW AUS]; Census District: Cooke NSW; Original Remarks: [a second copy says] servant. (@ Hassall's property "Denbigh", Cobbity).

    1829 10 Jun - District of Cooke: Ticket Of Leave 29/0208 10 June 1829. Granted in pursuance of the Govt orders dated 1st January 1827 and also in consideration of his having apprehended a runaway from No.10 Iron Gang. Allowed to remain in the District of Cooke. 

    1829 May - Possible father of Mary Anne Bailey, born 22 Feb 1830 at Parramatta Female Factory. Unable to prove this with DNA, so far. 

    1830 05 May - Certificate of Freedom: Licence Number: 30/0246; Dated 5 May 1830; Original Remarks: TL 29/208.

    1831 07 Aug - John Usher, Marriage Status: Bachelor; Arrived per Medina 1824; Current Status: Free; Age: 29; Residence: Sydney; [NSW AUS]; Living at [place of] Sydney Stephen, Esquire, Prospective Bride: Sarah Morris, Single, Arrived per Princess Charlotte, Bond; 29 years Residence: Newcastle [NSW AUS]; Other Remarks: Residing at Newcastle Gaol; Residence: [NSW AUS]; Original Remarks Not consented to; Banns read 7 Aug 1831; 14 Aug 1831; 21 Aug 1831; Banns registered at St James Church of England, Event Place: Sydney.

    1831 13 Aug - Application to marry Sarah Morris (Convict from London.… ).

    1831 20 Aug - Sydney Gaol entry book: height 5'6"

    1831 24 Aug - Admitted for trial for theft: 50 lbs sugar, 30 lbs tea, 1 keg, 5 gallons wine, 2 bags, at Bathurst on 24 May 1831. 22 Aug 1831 found not guilty…

    1834 Nov - Stole cattle & had them slaughtered [Trove].

    1835 18 Apr - Original Remarks: sent to Moreton Bay; Reel number: 1063. 

    1835 02 Sep - tried for Larceny in Queensland, 7 years Moreton Bay. Arrived on ship 'Governor Phillip'.

    1835 05 Oct - Queensland, Absconded from Moreton Bay for 3 days.

    1839 16 Nov - Queensland, Departed Moreton Bay for Sydney.

    1839 11 Dec - Returned from Moreton Bay, Sydney gaol to Woolloomooloo [Reel A2.10 p.635].

    1841 18 Aug - Sydney: Charged with larceny, 3 months labour in the house of correction [Trove].

    1842 26 Mar - Certificate of Freedom Licence Number: 42/0480; Dated 26 Mar 1842.

    1842 May - Wanted for horse stealing from Mr Barton in Sussex St, Sydney [Trove].

    1845 25 Apr - Found in possession of a stolen watch [Trove].

    1845 03 Dec - Sydney Police Court: Remanded for horse stealing in May 1842.

    1845 - Parramatta Gaol

    1846 07 Jan - Sydney, tried for horse stealing, 10 yrs. "On 1st May 1842 horse stolen in Sussex-st Sydney, to Liverpool & Cowpastures, near Razorback."

    1846 Tasmania, arrived on ship 'Louisa': Tasmanian record: Probation 30 months Port Arthur. Convict # 90078, CON 39/1 p39. Trade: house servant, height: 5' 5 3/4", ag:e 41, complexion : sallow, head: oval, hair: brown, whiskers: black, visage: oval, forehead: medium?, eyebrows: brown, eyes: blue, nose: long, mouth: small, chin: broad.

    1849 12 Feb - On list of people being paid by William Halford, Old Wharf. 4/- per week for 3 months. CON 30-1-1 Page 94.

    1870 13 Aug - Parramatta Gaol: 1870 Parra Gaol entry description: Rt leg disjointed(?) large wound left leg, marks of flagellation on back, large ulcr(?) mark left shoulder, M.J. J.U. B.D(?). A.W(?). R.U. rt forearm.

    1873 03 Apr - Died from intussusception (7 days) Cert # 1873/6132. Buried at St Patrick's Catholic Cemetery, Parramatta.








    Thursday 9th December 2021 08:49AM

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