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Good Morning!

I need some expert advice !!  I am trying to find a marriage of a couple (James and Mary Ryan) and the subsequent birth of their daughter Mary Ryan.  Based on evidence here in the USA, the only scenario that works is her father(James) from St. Mary's/Clonmel, marrying a woman (Mary) from Newport. I always thought that a man in that timeframe (1858 !!!) married someone close to home, either in his hometown or a neighboring town. I referred to the attached map of the Catholic Parishes, and it seems that Newport is a huge distance away from St.Mary's/Clonmel. So, what I'd like to know from you is: was this common for a man to marry someone from so far away (how would he have even met her?) or am I barking up the wrong tree?

Thank you for your time.



Friday 23rd Oct 2020, 08:16AM

Message Board Replies

  • not wishing to throw you off the track , but you may need to broaden your search :  clonmel was on the route to waterford , thence rosslare : the shipping service from clonmel/waterford thence rosslare to fishguard in wales . Workers dropped off in many places looking for work not least cardiff   ( next door to Cardiff is a large town called ....newport ... thats how my relations from clonmel arrived in London by using that route ...


    so it may be worth exploring both the irish Newport and the Welsh one   ...?



    Wednesday 11th Nov 2020, 07:25PM
  • Do you have any records that show they were married in St. Mary's Clonmel?  A search on turns up a number of James Ryans marrying a spouse named May in 1858 and adjourning years 1857 and 1859.  It would be great if you had some firm information to begin a search.  Even birth records for the daughter Mary Ryan would help, and whether she was born in Ireland or the United States.  Rob


    Friday 4th Dec 2020, 09:39PM

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