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Looking to find information on McConnell & Cree Families


Hugh McConnell B1807/D1892

Married Nancy Agnes Cree [B1812/D1879] about 1828. 

Emigrated to Frontenac County Ontario Canada. 

Hugh and Nancy Agnes were from Bangor, County Down

To date, we have been unable to find any birth or marriage records.  We believe they left Bangor for Montreal in 1830.

Any info or advice would be appreciated!

Karen Mc16

Thursday 30th Jul 2020, 01:49PM

Message Board Replies

  • The records you are interested in are probbaly not on-line anywhere. If they exist they are likely to be in PRONI (the public record office) in Belfast. A personal visit is required to view them. You haven't said what denomination the McConnell and Cree families were. There are 3 Church of Ireland churches in Bangor. Bangor itself has records from 1803 onwards. Bangor Abbey & Groomsport lost their early records in the 1922 fire in Dublin.  Bangor 1st Presbyterian has records from 1852, 2nd from 1841, Ballygrainey Presbyterian from 1830, Conlig 1845, Groomsport 1841 and the RC records start in 1864.

    So the only church in Bangor with baptisms c 1807 and marriages c 1828-1830 in the Church of Ireland. If you can't get to PRONI yourself you could get a researcher to look them up (when PRONI re-opens). But if the families were Presbyterian (as the majority of the population in Bangor were -reflecting their Scottish origins) then no records exist.

    Elwyn, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Thursday 30th Jul 2020, 02:34PM
  • Hi Elwyn,

    Thank you very much for this information.  I suspected as much.  I thought I did provide religion, but did not!  The families were indeed Presbyterian.  I've also suspected that they might have had roots in Scotland.  Hopefully I can make some connections through DNA to try and fill in some of the gaps.

    I was hoping to find something with the Cree family name as it is not as common as McConnell.  More work to do!


    Karen Mc16

    Sunday 2nd Aug 2020, 06:46PM
  • My Grandfather is the late John McConalogue Toorish, Toronto Ontario, my Mother, the late Noreen Weber Nee Toorish.  I'm Leo Allan Weber, email

    Monday 8th Feb 2021, 10:57PM

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