John Garrett Fitzmaurice1820

John Garrett Fitzmaurice 1820

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Place of migration
Migrated to/Born in USA
Additional Information
Date of Birth 24th Jul 1820
Date of Death 31st Aug 1891
Townland born Born in Kerry Ireland.
Father (First Name/s and Surname) Garrett Henry Fitzmaurice
Mother (First Name/s and Maiden) Mary Connor Fitzmaurice
Spouse (First Name/s and Maiden/Surname) Katherine Hogan Fitzmaurice
Number of Siblings 6 siblings
Names of Siblings Ulysses Fitzmaurice Gerardus Fitzmaurice Garrett Fitzmaurice Margtm Fitzmaurice James Fitzmaurice Morgan Fitzmaurice
Number of Children 8 children
Names of Children Lucy Ellen Fitzmaurice Martin Thomas Henry Fitzmaurice Mary A Fitzmaurice Ulysses Fitzmaurice Elizabeth Fitzmaurice Matilda Fitzmaurice John Fitzmaurice Jr. Phillip Edward Fitzmaurice
Place of Death Independence, Montgomery County, Kansas, USA.
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  • This is my GG grandfather. Need more information on his father Garrett Henry Fitzmaurice to continue tree.


    Thursday 8th October 2020 08:35PM

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