Augustine  G Roddy 18611861

Augustine G Roddy 1861

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My grand-father Michael Joseph Roddy was born 27th July, 1885 at 2 Custom House, Cork, Co Cork. He was the first born of Augustine Roddy (Sailor) & Mary Ann Delaney, married St Peter & Paul’s Church, Cork, Co Cork 8th July 1884. Michael Joseph was baptised in the same church.

According to the Marriage Certificate, Augustine & Mary Anne had attained “full age” & were single. Augustine was a seaman, Mary Ann a housekeeper & both living at 2 Custom House Street, Cork.

Augustine’s father was Bernard Roddy, listed as dead & had been a cutler. No mother listed. May Ann’s father was Michael Delaney, sailor. No mother listed but I know that Mary Ann’s mother was Ann Flavin.

I’ve next found Augustine and Mary Ann in the 1891 English Census:

5th April 1891 Augustine one of the crew on board SS Milo. Birth place listed as Dublin, Age 30 years

Mary Ann living at West Ferry Rd, Poplar. London and there were now another three children, all born in Poplar, London - Ann & Mary Margaret (twins) & Bernard.

By 9th December 1896 records in London, England, Selected Poor Law Removal & Settlement Records, list Michael & Mary Margaret as “fatherless”, but I haven’t been able to find any record of Augustine’s death….maybe he died at sea? 

One other record shows Augustine as being Indentured into Merchant Navy 4/3/1878 at 17 years old at Troon. Again, Birth place listed as Dublin & Birth year 1861

I’ve not been able to find out anything else about Augustine, his father Bernard, his nameless mother or any other details.


Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1861
Date of Death 1st Jan 1895 (circa)


  • Michael Delaney and Anne Flavin married in Youghal in 1860.

    They had a number of children - William, Michael, Kate, Mary Anne, Margaret and James.

    James Flavin died and was buried in Killeagh in 1852.

    Mary Anne Delaney was born in Youghal.

    Mary Anne Delaney (1862 - 1936) married Augustine J. Roddy (Sailor) (1861-1891).

    Augustine J. Roddy's parent’s were Bernard Roddy (Cutler) and Anna Pritchard.

    Mary Anne Delaney and Augustine J. Roddy's son Michael Joseph Roddy (1885-1953) was born 27th July, 1885 at 2 Custom House, Cork, Co Cork. He was the first born of Augustine Roddy (Sailor) & Mary Ann Delaney, married St Peter & Paul’s Church, Cork, Co Cork 8th July 1884. Michael Joseph was baptised in the same church.

    Mary Anne Delaney and Augustine J. Roddy's son Michael Joseph Roddy (1885-1953) married Rosetta Scullin (1881-1956) in Balmain South, New South Wales, Australia.

    Rosetta Scullin born in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.

    Michael Joseph Roddy and Rosetta Scullin's son Joseph James Roddy (1919-2010) Leichhardt, New South Wales, Australia,

    married Anastasia 'Nancy' Elizabeth Regan (1919-2000) on 27 August 1949, in Reservoir, Victoria, Australia.

    Joseph James Roddy died on 2 September 2010, in Geelong, Victoria, Australia, at the age of 91.


    Tuesday 12th April 2022 06:44PM
  • terryaglish

    Tuesday 12th April 2022 06:45PM
  • I am a DNA match on Ancestry to this family.



    Tuesday 12th April 2022 06:46PM
  • Hi Terraglish,
    Augustine Roddy is my great-grandfather.
    I would love to see how we conect. I've been finding my Roddy family to be very difficult to trace.
    Could you give me your Ancestry user name so I can find you in my DNA matches.






    Friday 15th April 2022 08:00AM
  • Hi Maureen,

    Thanks for replying. This is my name on Ancestry.

    Ann Smiddy

    U.K. originally from Cork, Ireland

    My e-mail is


    Friday 15th April 2022 09:57PM
  • terryaglish

    Friday 15th April 2022 10:04PM

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