Place of migration
Migrated to/Born in UK

Maiden name Julia O'Brien came to Liverpool in 1914. Married her Irish partner John Joseph McCormack in 1914 who I believe was a member of the army. Julia came from Ringsend, Dublin born 1883 at 3 or 5 Thomas Street. My granddad John not much information born 1887 in either Antrim or Dublin. Very little information to clarify were he was from. There is quite a lot of John McCormack's in the military and no next of kin details, British address etc, to establish which one is my grandfather. We believe he served in WW1 possibly with the Royal Irish Rifles as a Gunner. No family left I'm afraid to ask. Looking forward to making a connection.

Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1887
Date of Death 1st Jan 1952

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