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Researching the ancestors of Edna Mary Spellman Babcock, a grand daughter of  Nellie Ellen Maher Diller.  We share 100 cM across 6 segments of DNA, likely a 3rd cousin.  Nellie Ellen Maher married in Newburgh, NY and the New York marriage record:  Nellie E. Maher, Female, 18,  Birth Date abt 1895,  Marriage Date 14 Aug 1913, Marriage Place Orange County, New York, USA.  Father - John Maher, birthplace Ireland and  Mother - Margaret Maher, birthplace Ireland and Spouse - William Louis Diller. 

      I have not been able to find Nellie's birth certificate in New York, her birthplace.  In 1920 census, a sister Catherine Maher, born about 1890 is living with the Diller family.  Can not find a birth certificate in New York, her birthplace.  The parents John Maher and Margaret Maher were born in Ireland according to US census records.  So I searched for an Irish civil marriage record starting 1864 - 1900 and found only one record of a John Maher marrying a Margaret Maher.  

     25 Feb 1884 • RC Chapel of Drangan, Drangan, Tipperary, Ireland

Registrar's Dist. Killenaule, County Tipperary. Marriage record No. 48, Margaret from Moanvurrin, CP Drangan, SR Dist. Cashel. John from Lower Crohane, CP Crohane, S. Reg District Callan. Lower Crohane is a few miles NNW of Moanvurrin.  The marriage record is interesting in that their surname is written Meagher but when John and Margaret signed the record they signed surname Maher.   This may be a leap but right now it is the only lead I have.

     Margaret Maher's father is listed as John Meagher on the Irish marriage record of 1884.  A search of the 1901  census in Moanvurrin found one John Maher, farmer, age 64.  That would make him 47 in 1884 for daughters wedding - good fit.  Wife Bridget, 68, daughter Johanna 34, son John 30 and niece Mary Kate Kennedy 8.  In 1911 Bridget Maher is head of family, widow, 81.  Married 49 years and born 6 children, 5 living.  At home daughter Mary, 41, John, farmer's son, 40.

     My search of the RC Drangan Parish records is interesting - and confusing.  I found two John and Bridget couples.  John MAHER / MAGHER / MEAGHER and Bridget (twice Beddy) CONNEY have five entries:  Joanna Magher 3 Dec 1861; Michael Meagher 2 Jan 1863; Ellen Maher 26 July 1865; John Maher & Mary Maher 25 Oct 1866; John Meagher 28 Oct 1867.  Matching back to census Johanna should is 39 listed at 34; John is 33 listed as 30; and Mary in 1911 is 44 listed as 41.  The niece Mary Kate Kennedy - five of the 6 children have a Kennedy sponsor and a Philip Kennedy was witness at the wedding in 1884.  Explanation for two Johns -- John the twin born 1866 did not survive.  Have attached that record I believe it is for twins - not obvious at first glance.

     My second John & Bridget couple are John MEAGHER and Bridget ST. JOHN.  They also reside in Moanvurrin and I found two sons:  John 18 Oct 1854 and Michael 26 July 1857.  So this family does not match the Maher's of the 1901 & 1911 census.  Interesting, an Ellen St John is sponsor for Ellen of family one in 1865 and an Ellen St John is sponsor for John of family two in 1854.

     There is only ONE THING MISSING  --- where is the bride - Margaret Maher that bridges the gap from New York 1913 and her daughters wedding to Drangan Parish in 1884 for her wedding !!  I did not find her baptism record in Drangan Parish.  AARRGGHH !.  Though she would have been baptized early 1860's -- ~ 20 ish at her wedding in 1884.  But looking at the other baptismal dates - no gaps from 1861 to 1867.  So Margaret may be the oldest and born 1859 - 1860.  Perhaps she is the first child and baptized at mother's parish.  Need a crystal ball again to find Bridget Conney's parish.  Any Suggestions ??  Did I fool myself in to accepting the Grangan Parish marriage record as my John and Margaret ???   Thanks  !!


Sunday 10th Nov 2019, 12:29AM

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