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Hi there,

I am trying to find out more about my great grandfather (Edward Payne of Derrycooley) born in 1855. His parents William Payne and Rebecca Whitfield were married at the parish church of Lemanaghan in 1846. Their firstborn son (William Joseph) was baptised in Ferbane. I assume my great grandfather was also baptised in Ferbane.

Can anyone tell me if any of the Ferbane baptism records survived?

Thank you!



Thursday 3rd Oct 2019, 05:03PM

Message Board Replies

  • Ingrid:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    The subscription site Roots Ireland has the RC baptismal records for Ferbane starting in 1819. They also have the Church of Ireland records starting in 1842. However, I was not able to find a record for Edward Payne or any children of William Payne and a mother with the surname Whitfield.

    I also did not find the 1846 marriage record that you mentioned.

    Any other info?

    Roger McDonnell


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Thursday 3rd Oct 2019, 06:41PM
  • Hi Ingrid,
    Are you looking for any other records?


    Friday 4th Oct 2019, 08:57AM
  • Attached Files
    GRO-262654 BB.pdf (403.04 KB)
    William Joseph.pdf (271.7 KB)

    Hello Roger, hi Margot,

    I will upload a copy of the marriage registry of William Payne and Rebecca Whitfield and the Evidence of Age record for William Joseph which states that he was baptised in Ferbane.

    My great grandfather Edward was born on Jan 6, 1855. There were 5 boys and 4 girls in the family, but at the moment I am only looking for the baptism record of my grand grandfather Edward.

    The family was COI.


    thanks for your (offer to) help



    Friday 4th Oct 2019, 01:41PM
  • Ingrid:

    You may find this reference link of interest

    The Lemanaghan C of I marriage records are not on Roots Ireland which explains why I did not find the record. You have the civil record which is great.

    Roots Ireland indicates that they have Ferbane C of I baptismal records starting in 1842 but no Payne records show up which is odd. The link above indicates the records may be held locally but it appears the Ferbane church is not active. You may want to write to a church in Co. Offaly which may be active such as Birr or Tullamore.


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 4th Oct 2019, 02:37PM
  • At the Family Search site, records have been created for William and Rebecca, showing their marriage on 12 August 1846 in Lemanaghan, Parsonstown, County Offaly, Ireland (Parsonstown was next to or a part of the town of Birr).  The Family Search site is also offfering potentially relevant records for the birth to William and Rebecca of a daughter (not otherwise named) on 13 April 1868, and also for the birth of a son (also not otherwise named) on that same day.  I don't know whether that means they were twins, or whether something has been transcirbed incorrectly.

    The Family Search site is free to use (altough you have to join), and here's the link:

    If you do go there, you can search for people by name or by a unique ID number.  The number for William is M8M8-X6J, and from his record you can see the others.

    There is also a record for a William Burrows Payne born in Birr in 1814 (possibly a relative):  LGH7-2M1


    Friday 4th Oct 2019, 11:03PM

    Thank you all for sending me in the right direction.

    I will contact the Anglican Communion and join Family Search. I have been able gather a lot of information from the cicil records. Also FindMyPast is a true treasure trove.

    Rebecca, my great grandfathers youngest sister was born on April 13, 1868. There was no twin. At her death she was still living at the family farm in Derrycooley with her nephew. 

    The name Burrows doesn’t run in the family (first name or surname), so that will be an interesting thing to explore further.

    Thanks again and have a nice weekend!


    Saturday 5th Oct 2019, 06:39AM
  • Hi, this is what I found.

    Unknown Payne 1868  (Baby not given a name at the time of Registration)

    William (the Father, his death, registered by his son George)

    George’s daughter Rebecca, her birth

    Rebecca, the Mother in 1901


    Rebecca’s death in 1903   (No image available)

    Name Rebecca Payne

    Date of Death 25 June 1903

    Group Registration ID 3098667

    SR District/Reg Area Tullamore

    Deceased Age at Death 76

    Civil Status Widowed

    Cheers Margot



    Saturday 5th Oct 2019, 10:40AM

    Thanks, Margot.

    I did go through the civil registrations on and have managed to get quite far with the family tree. It’s the missing pieces that you can’t find on irishgenealogy that keep me busy. I like doing the research, though, and finding missing pieces of the jigsaw.

    Kind regards



    Saturday 5th Oct 2019, 04:56PM
  • Hi Ingrid

    I am also related to the Paynes and Whitfields from Rahan. I believe that I have some information that you may be interested in. Did your Great Grandfather emigrate to Australia by chance? I have quite a few letters written by the Rebecca Payne you mention living in Derrycooley with her nephew. Most of them were written during WWII and were sent to my Great Aunt Ella Williamson who was Rebecca's cousin. If your interested I could scan and email them too you


    Andrew Walker

    Thursday 7th Nov 2019, 05:15AM
  • Hi Andrew,

    How very exciting. I would love to have copies of your letters. I have letters for you as well, written by Rebecca (the mother) and Rebecca (the sister). They were written to my great grandfather Edward Payne who lived in Tarana NSW. The first letter dates back to 1880 when John, George and Edward (brothers) were in Australia. George returned home to take over the family farm. It was his son Willy (Rebecca's nephew) who lived at Derrycooley House till his death somewhere in the early 80's.

    You can send the copies to and I will send mine to you.

    Regards Ingrid 




    Thursday 7th Nov 2019, 08:46AM
  • Hi Andrew,

    Haven't heard from you since my last message. Am I being too impatient, or have I missed something.

    Are the letters you mentioned sent to Rebecca's aunt Mary Ellen (Whitfield). She is mentioned in on of the letters Rebecca sent to Edward in Australia. 

    hope to hear from you.


    Sunday 17th Nov 2019, 09:03AM
  • Hi Ingrid, I have only just seen your post/ query. Edward was the brother of my Great Grandfather, John Payne. Their father was George W. Payne (1821-1890) married to Rebecca Whitfield. Both Edward and John migrated to Australia, John living at Sunny Corner/ Woodstock, NSW. Edward lived not far away and opened a grocery store and died in Tarana in 1925. William P.Payne was their Grandfather 1780-1863.  Hope this helps. I have a public tree on Ancestry if you would like to check details (Schweiger/Watson Tree)


    cheers, Kate

    Saturday 2nd Sep 2023, 06:17AM
  • Hi Kate, How exciting to get your reply. I’ve come a long way with my family research since 2019. I will look up your Ancestry family tree and will get back to you.

    Best wishes, Ingrid


    Sunday 3rd Sep 2023, 07:08AM
  • Hi Kate, I have an account with Ancestry, but not a subscription, so I cannot view your tree even though it’s public. My family tree is with Findmypast. I would like to get in touch with you though. Will you send me an e-mail? 




    Sunday 3rd Sep 2023, 07:27AM

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