Johanna Lynch1833

Johanna Lynch 1833

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Place of migration
Migrated to/Born in USA
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Additional Information
Date of Birth 24th Sep 1833 (circa) VIEW SOURCE
Date of Death 19th Sep 1878 VIEW SOURCE
Father (First Name/s and Surname)
Father (First Name/s and Surname) Michael Lynch (1785-1849)
Mother (First Name/s and Maiden) Mary Breen (c. 1788- )
Names of Siblings Gobnet Lynch (m. John Counihan) (1 Jan 1822 - ) Cornelius Lynch (1828- ) John? Jane? (1835 = ) Daniel (1837 -)
Spouse (First Name/s and Maiden/Surname) Timothy Lane (m. 24 Jan 1858, Boston, Massachusetts, USA)
Names of Children John Lane (b. Boston 1859, d. San Francisco, CA 1876) Nellie (Ellen?) Lane (1863-1890, San Francisco, CA) Michael Francis Lane (1864-1889, San Francisco, CA) James Francis Lane (1866- 1934, San Francisco, CA)
Number of Children Jeremiah Lane (1867-1870, San Francisco, CA) Katie Lane (1869-1870, San Francisco, CA) Cornelius Lane 181870-1870, San Francisco, CA) Mary Lane (1872-1874, San Francisco, CA)
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