
Michael James Curran 17851785

Michael James Curran 1785

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The family of Michael Curran, an emigrant to America approx 1785-1819, is searching for our connections in Ireland.

If this Michael or his family are people you know please leave a comment below.

Thank you

Kevin Curran

Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1785
Date of Death 7th Mar 1864


  • Hi Kevin,

    Its me again. I messaged you maybe 10 minutes ago. (I am still learning how to use this website). I think we may be related. We have traced our ancestry back to Michael Curran born in 1785 and died March 7, 1864. Married Mary Robinson and had 13 children. They lived in Pennsylvania and at least their first son was born in PA in 1819. We believe they then moved to OH. I would love to hear if you have any other facts that match ours, but this is too much to be a coincidence. This was as far as we were able to find. We could not determine Michael's exact location prior to immigration to the US. 



    Wednesday 19th January 2022 11:23PM

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