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Monday 24th Dec 2018, 04:48AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hello - My 3rd great grandmother is Honora Moriarty from Tralee Parish.  Born 1779 and married Laurence Meehan.  I made an assumption that Honora's parents are John Moriarty and Margaret White, just based off of times and loactions but it's all just an assumption because I can't find any other information about an Honora Moriarty from that would fit the age of Laurence's wife.

    Chris Meehan



    Monday 24th Dec 2018, 05:08PM
  • Chris,

    You can view a list of Moriarty Tralee Baptisms by parent names at Honora Moriarty is listed with the parents you mentioned. You can seach for other Honora Moriartys in Column A. Hope this helps.

    Don Flinn



    Tuesday 25th Dec 2018, 04:43PM
  • Hi Don, thanks for sharing all this information, you are vey generous.

    Chris, have you managed to race the Meehans forward? There are 10 entries for Meehan in Griffith's Valuation though none for a Laurence.

    Best wishes




    Martine, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Saturday 29th Dec 2018, 10:13AM
  • Hi Martine - Laurence Meehan and Honora Moriarty were actually married in Tipperary.  Laurnce was from east Limerick.  I looked for Moriarty families in both Tipperary and Limerick but was only able to find info of an Honora Moriarty born in Kerry.


    Sunday 30th Dec 2018, 03:39PM

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