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I sent a message a couple of weeks ago about my Great Grandfather, Michael J. Doyle, who emigrated to the US in 1860.  His father's name was James Doyle and it appears they left Ireland together with James' wife and Michael's brother, also named James.  I initially believed he was from Broadford but that was a mistake.  It appears he was from a place called "Bally Valley Devlin".  I cannot find a place with this name although I did find "Delven".

I am in Ireland now, in Killaloe, and hoped someone might be able to help me.  I emailed Ms. Halloran-Ryan but have not heard back (or it may have gone to my junk email which I cannot access right now). 

Can anyone direct me to a good next step?

Thank you,

Thursday 12th Jul 2018, 08:35PM

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