
Convict transportation docs Australia
Death registration Australia VIEW SOURCE
Sarah n/a Lynchey1785

Sarah n/a Lynchey 1785

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For the best part of 15 years I have been searching for the origins of my G.G.G.grandmother Sarah Lynchey who seems to have been born Mullan(s)  or similar in County Down C 1785. Her father’s Christian name may have been Hugh or Charles.

Sarah, and a son Thomas, who I am also seeking information on, were in 1832 sentenced on the Isle of Man to transportation to New South Wales for stealing from a farm house.

Thomas was born C 1820 most likely in Ireland but possibly on the IoM.

Sarah was stated to be a widow in the court and other documents, and her husband’s name may have been Michael or John. Also her husband my have died in a cholera outbreak on the IoM in 1831.

Sarah lived in New South Wales until her death in Sydney in 1869. She has many descendents living in Australia today.

While I have 2500 names on my family tree as you can see I know little about Sarah.




Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1785 (circa)
Date of Death 1st Jan 1869 VIEW SOURCE
Place of Death Sydney, Australia
Place of Death Died 1869 in Chippendale, Sydney, Australia VIEW SOURCE

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