
Michael James Flanagan

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His father was Patrick Flanagan 1825-? His mother was Honora Taaffe 1831-1886. He was Born 1857. We think Portumna. Married Maria Margaret McCue/McHugh born 1864 in Kiltormer. Her parents were Patrick McCue/McHugh1835-? And Bridget Treacey 1835-?

There are cousins-Muldoons and Sleins. We think from the McCue side.

Moved to USA. Janesville, Wisconsin.

Will be visiting Ireland and hope there are still some family members in Kiltormer or Portumna area.

Thank you.




  • Re Michael James Flanagan,

    I am local historian in Portumna and have written a  number of books on the area. I will check out any references to the  Flanagan name in my records. If you come to ireland I would be delighted to meet up with up with you.




    john Joe Conwell


    Tuesday 10th April 2018 10:56AM
  • Thank you so much. We will be there September 15 to 17. Staying at local B and B.


    Tuesday 10th April 2018 02:36PM
  • Hi there Nancy,

    Trust you had a fabulous trip to Eire in search of ancestors, totally jealous!!

    I came across your post purely by chance searching for our GGF, on my Mother's side Patrick McHugh/McHugo/McCue who was from Ardultagh in Kiltormer and we believe he married a Bridget (our late dear Mothers namesake) but never knew GGM Bridget's maiden name. There was also daughters Maria and Margaret and sons, John, Martin and Owen (our GF)
    Wonder if a connection, we did know that Maria emigrated to the States.

    There are still some McHugh's in Kiltormer and the original homestead still stands in Ardultagh and also other cousins around Eire whom I am in contact with.

    We are also related to Curleys, Collerans and Lynchs in the district.

    Very interested to see what you have and if any connection.

    Mise le meas


    Saturday 10th November 2018 03:26AM
  • Hello again Nancy, 

    Just getting in touch again regarding Patrick McHugo as we have confirmed his wife, Bridget was a Keating originally from nearby Tynagh, they married in 1866. Patrick RIP 1901, Bridget unsure when however had a child in 1899 and not either on the 1901 census. 

    Bridget's parents were Bridget and Redmond Keating. 

    To date we have not established Patrick's birthplace or parents names but actively researching

    We are interested in learning more of Maria and Michaels lives in USA.

    Hope that fills a missing link. 

    Kind regards, 

    Mary Walsh



    Friday 9th February 2024 11:57PM

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