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I am spending 8 days in ireland in August this year. I'll be based in Co Tipperary which is where many of my ancestors came from.

However, my great great grandmother, Eliza Ledwich, was born in Collinstown Co Westmeath in 1835. She and her two sisters, Mary and Margaret, emigrated to Victoria Australia. Her father was Michael Ledwich and her mother Mary Sheil. They were married in Castlepollard in 1832.

I'd like to visit Collinstown and am wondering which cemetaries are in or near Collinstown. Eliza had two brothers Maurice Ledwich and Edward Ledwich.I'd like to track down Maurice and Edward Ledwich and maybe find the graves of Michael and Mary Ledwich, Eliza's parents.

If anyone has any connections with the Ledwich family or knows anything about them that would be great. 


Kathleen Fanning

Kathleen Fanning

Wednesday 28th Mar 2018, 01:53AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Kathleen, I am looking over old queries and appear too late to assist, I am not local either but having been to Collinstown it is very small and rural, you did not mention religion but Catholics were often buried in Prostestant graveyards at the time as the Church of Ireland were the established Church and responsible to bury the dead up to about 1890 I think.

    Hopefully Covid did not put a stop to  your visit and it passed off well and enjoyable.

    If you missed the graveyard you could see if there is a private Westmeath, Facebook group who have someone nearby to take a photo.

    We may now have a volunteer nearby if you wish to post again.



    Pat O Holloran, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Wednesday 13th Mar 2024, 12:47AM
  • Thanks for replying Pat. I got my trip to Ireland in before Co Vid hit, fortunately.

    I spent all my time in Co Tipperary where my Fanning family come from, and my mother's Torpeys are also from.

    Had a great time catching up with cousins, thanks to a Reaching Out volunteer!

    Would still like to go to Westmeath, Limerick, time.


    Kathleen Fanning

    Kathleen Fanning

    Saturday 16th Mar 2024, 01:35AM
  • Hi Kathleen interesting, I retired in 2009 and worked with a Fanning, Fanning was from Tipperary and  I believe he is responsible for this site 

    I am not in touch with him but occassionally hear of him from others,.

    Also worked with a Tarpey which I assume is a variant of some kind, actually McLysaghts Surnames of Ireland says it is from the Gaelic for "Sturdy" and originated in Sligo, and thre was a branch in West Cork anglicesed to Torpey. 

    Fanning is a name of Norman origin (Arrived in Ireland in 1169 I assume as part of the Norman Invasion as we call it, they were invited but a long story involving Strongbow and Aoife and her father) over 80% came from Wales and the rest from France; Italy; Spain etc,

    They settled in Ballyfanning now Fanningstown in Limerick. They were formely of Ballinagarry, Co. Tipperary were in the 15th century the chief was as was normal described as "Head of his Family" Again McLysaghts.

    I am full of useless information!!



    Pat O Holloran, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Saturday 16th Mar 2024, 10:52PM

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