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I posted my ancester, Bridget M. Healy in the New Ross Parish.  I am curious if there are any Healys left in the area?  A great uncle of mine made the trip to New Ross about 35 years ago and did find family members, some of the cousins he met even came to California after.  Sadly, that older generation is gone, but I have the notes and pictures and I am just as curious as my uncle.  We know that Bridget Healy arrived in the US in 1870.  We were lucky not to lose the information through the generations about where she came from, and even luckier to have my uncle further research what he knew.  I have been working on my fmaily tree with one of my aunts and we have DNA tested several family members.  We were surprised to find out that we had lots of cousins in Australia and New Zealand, but then came to realize it's our Irish family.  I am curious if anyone in the New Ross area now is a possible DNA match to us, or anyone else with an ancestral connection?  I am also curious if there are any Healys still there today, or anyone who remembers them?

Our Gedmatch DNA kit numbers are:


We all have matches with people still in Ireland today.  Wondering if there are any in New Ross?  We seem to be made from lots of Irish people from all over Irieland, but I know that Bridget Healy was from New Ross and thought a good place to start.  

Thank you in advance for any help,

Lisa Schmidt

Monday 12th Mar 2018, 07:48PM

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  • Lisa:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    There are Healys in New Ross based on a quick look at the online Irish phone book which has only a partial list of phone users.   Make sure you use the Residential TAB and request Healy in County Wexford on the Search Bar.  You could drop a line to these folks but I think you need to have more info on Bridget Healy. Do you have the names of the people who your great-uncle met thirty-five years ago? Do you know her parents names or where they lived in New Ross? Just mentioning that Bridget left in 1870 won't be helpful.

    Another idea is to place an add in a local newspaper like the New Ross Standard  

    Maybe others will have some additonal suggestions.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 12th Mar 2018, 09:30PM
  • Hi Roger,

    Thank you for your information and suggestions.  I went back to the booklet my great uncle created when he researched the family to get more information.  Unfortunately, there is no one left for me to ask questions, so I am having to guess a bit, but it looks like his visit to New Ross was in 1984.  The date on the booklet he put together is 1989, so it looks like he worked on his research for quite a while after his visit.

    He lists sources as St. Mary and St. Michael Church in New Ross, with it looks lik Fr. J.L. Kehoe and Rev. Brendan Nolan helping him.  I believe we are related to some Nolans though, so I am not sure if Rev Nolan is a relative or someone connected to the church? He lists a Mary Fitzgibbon who is a daughter of Terese Healy as helping him, it says BALLINA after her name, I think that is where she lived?

    Bridget's parents were Martin Healy 1801-1880  and Margareta Malloy 1802-1862.  I don't have any information on Margaretta Malloy, but I know that Martin Healy's parents were John Healy and Catherine Douglas.  My uncle's booklet says they were burried in the St. Mary's Abbey Churchyard, Church of Ireland.

    I have Bridget's siblings as: 

    Catherine Healy b. 1830

    John Healy 1833-1894

    Mary Healy b. 1835

    Patrick Healy 1837-1881

    It looks like the family was connected to the meat business and a grocery store in New Ross.  The grocery store may have been in the family until about the 1940's from what I can tell.  It looks like a lot of the family came to the US, both around the same time as Bridget - which was in 1867 from my uncle's booklet - and it looks like several of her aunts and uncles went a generation before.  

    Bridget married a man named Thomas Lawson, who was born from Irish parents in Canada.  I can't find anything about that side of the family at all.  They just show up about 1846 and that's where the paper trail starts with them.  I have been trying to find out where they came from using DNA.  That's how I found Ireland Reaching Out.  I posted in another parish about them, but then I thought after that this looked like a really good site, and I might as well post about Bridget Healy because she's pretty much the only Irish ancestor that I actually have information on.  I didn't even know that I had all of these Irish ancestors until just recently.  I had no idea that my uncle had made the trip and did all of his research, I would have asked him so many questions!  I only got a copy of his booklet a few months ago.  I don't want to bother anyone, I certainly can't afford a visit!  But as I have been using DNA to try to figure out my family's history, I see that I am DNA related to more than a few Irish people, as wells as Australians, New Zealanders, and Canadians - all with Irish names, and I know there must be some curiosity or the DNA matches would not have added their DNA to Gedmatch.  

    Also, there must have been some curiosity when my unlce came to visit on the Irish side as well because I have a photo of two women who came to a family reunion here in California, and my grandmother said these are our Irish cousins.  Apparently after his visit, some cousins came here to visit.  I still have this photo and I am curious who those cousins were.  Unfortunately my grandmother did not share these with me until she was 94, just a few months before she died, and she didn't remember their names at that point.  I wonder who they were and I wonder if they ever think about our family or if there is anyone left in Ireland who does?

    Lisa Schmidt

    Tuesday 13th Mar 2018, 10:20PM
  • Lisa:

    A few items of interest. Jane Lyons site has an 1831 business directory and on page 7 you will find a P. Healy butcher on South St. in New Ross. Next, a link to the RC parish of St. Mary and St. Michael. Third, the New Ross RC parish register up to 1880. I wouls scan the register around 1847-1851 to see if you see a baptismal record for Bridget. Fourth and fifth, the 1901 and 1911 census records for your Healy family including Patrick in both censuses. Sixth, the 1888 death record for Martin Healy ( I know you have 1880). Seventh,, the 1935 death record for Patrick who was a bachelor. Eighth, 1922 marriage record for Teresa Healy and her father was shown as John likely a son of Martin.


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 14th Mar 2018, 01:20AM

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