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I'd appreciate any direction for locating graveyards for Clontuskert or Clonfert

Thursday 8th Feb 2018, 03:41AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Ed

    This is the link to Galway County Council website. It includes 3 Clonstuskert Graveyards. Information is limited as it only included details of inscriptions so therefore not a full listing of people interred there.


    Gerard, Parish Liaison Lackagh

    Friday 9th Feb 2018, 04:13PM
  • Thank you very much Gerard.  I will look into that site.  I trust I may call upon you again!    Ed



    Thursday 15th Feb 2018, 10:31PM
  • Hi Ed

    No problem, you may contact me at


    Gerard, Parish Liaison Lackagh

    Friday 16th Feb 2018, 03:21PM

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