
Thomas Delany 16621662

Thomas Delany 1662

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Born in Rathcrea Townland, Barony of Stradbally, Civil Parish of Moyanna in 1662. 

Died in America in 1738.

Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1662
Date of Death 4th Apr 1738


  • Thomas Delany is my husband's 7th great grandfather. We are visiting the area in May and would love ideas on what to see/who to talk to about the Delany family.



    Karen & Bruce Messenger

    Monday 18th February 2019 04:08PM
  • Thomas is my 9th Great Grandfather.  There are so many of his descendants out there, and if you go on any genealogy sites, you will find that NO one seems to be able to get to his parents.  There are many that will argue that he came from a line of people from France names DeLaune.  I and many others do not believe this, especially after taking DNA tests.  Mine shows much Irish, and no French.  So any info to get to Thomas' history (parent, sibling, etc) would be awesome.  Rathcrea area holds the key.  How wonderful!  Have a lovely trip, and keep us posted, please.  

    "Cousin" Christine Cloud

    Monday 11th March 2019 01:43AM
  • Just saw this post today. Would appreciate any information you could share on Thomas Delany/(Dulany). He is my 6th Great Grandfather and I have never been able to find anything on him in Ireland except his name and birthdate and Queens County origin (now Laois). Did you find anything on your trip?  I do love the Delaune family lore story but that is all that it is at this point passed down by the grandmothers in the family. So am open totally to whatever facts I can find fo him and his parents and any connections in Ireland. I know he is an uncle to Patrick Delany, Dean of Down and cousin to Daniel Delany with whom he corresponded but that is about it. I'm hoping now that so much digital information is available I can find more real information about the family in Ireland.


    Barbara Dulaney Engel



    Sunday 17th January 2021 02:08PM

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