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Hi all,

I'm looking for descendants of Laurence Smyth (d1880) and his wife Margaret Mahoney (d1896).  Laurence (junior) born 1858 had siblings James, Michael, Mary, Margaret and Kate born between 1856 and 1867.

Louise Smyth (Australia)

Thursday 26th Oct 2017, 02:34PM

Message Board Replies

  • Louise:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    I located a 1911 census record and there were three unmarried Smyth children living in Ballylusky. I located the death records for Michael in 1926 and Kate in 1927. James was the informant in both records. Howeever, I was unable to locate a civil death record for James in Ballylusky.

    Roger McDonnell………



    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Thursday 26th Oct 2017, 03:19PM
  • Thank you, Roger. 


    Friday 27th Oct 2017, 02:21AM
  • While not descendants of Laurence to my knowledge, I do have Smyths from Ballylusky, Tipperary. My 3rd great-grandmother Catherine Kenny nee Smyth (born 10 Dec 1794 in Tipperary, died 10 Apr 1876 in Kidder, Missouri) lived in Ballylusky in at least the 1820s through 1840s. I believe she moved to St. Johnstown, Tipperary by 1853, and then to Brandywine, Indiana, United States before 1860. Interestingly, Catherine Smyth's marriage to Patt Kenny in 1820 was witnessed by Patt Smyth and Laurence Smyth. That may be too early to be your Laurence Sr., depending on how old he was when he died, but Laurence might have been a family name for additional generations going back. In baptismal records for Catherine Smyth and Patt Kenny's children between 1821 and 1841, witnesses include Walter Kenny, Joanna Smyth, Ml. Cahill, Mary Cahill, Bridget Lahy, Laurence Smyth, Cathe. Smyth, Phil Lyons, Jas. & Mrs. Smyth, Michael Smyth, and Catherine Kenny.

    Catherine also had a known sister, Judith Nevin nee Smyth. Some of her children wound up in the same area of Missouri as Catherine Kenny nee Smyth's children. When Judith Smyth married "Thos. Knavin" (later written as Nevin) in 1826, Ballylusky was her listed residence. Their marriage was witnessed by Philip Cahill and Laurence Smith. Their children were born in Magowry in the 1830s to 1840s. Witnesses to their childrens' baptisms include Kitty Smyth, Phil Cahil, Honora Cullins, and Andy Slattery.


    Saturday 28th Jul 2018, 01:48AM
  • Hi Iviary.

    Thank you so much for the reply.  I’m sure your information links our families, the name Lau(w)rence is indeed a family name that seems to have been used for generations of Smyths in Ballyluskey going back at least to the time of your data.  The place names also match up.  So here we are clansfolk across the oceans.

    I shall use your information to try to extend my investigation. I doubt I have anything of interest to you since your family migrated before mine, but let me know if you believe otherwise.

    Best wishes from Australia,


    Sunday 29th Jul 2018, 01:46PM
  • I'm definitely interested to see what you do have on your Ballylusky Smyths (and any related lines from that area; I also have Quigly/Quigley and Cahil/Cahill ancestors from around the same area). I only know of the two Smyth siblings (Judith & Catherine) for sure, because of newspaper articles mentioning their relationship in Missouri, but I'd be surprised if they didn't have additional siblings. It's possible some stayed in the Ballyluskey area longer, or even for additional generations.

    Have you done any DNA testing for genealogy purposes, by any chance? I'm on Ancestry, MyHeritage and GEDmatch, and also manage tests for my mother, her brother, and one of their double-first cousins (and several of their other double-first cousins and numerous other Patt Kenny/Catherine Smyth descendants are also on Ancestry, and a few on GEDmatch and MyHeritage). If you've tested, I'd be very curious to see how close our relationship is predicted to be! If you haven't tested, I'd invite you to seriously consider it! 

    If you happen to be on Ancestry, here's Catherine Smyth in my tree:…

    I'm excited to connect with a fellow Ballyluskey Smyth descendant! It's one surname I haven't found very many connections on thus far! 



    Monday 30th Jul 2018, 02:07AM

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