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I am looking for any possible info/contacts on the following Sughrue family.  Mariam Sughrue is my gggrandmother. Her parents, Patrick Sughrue/Julianne Brewer, are my ggggrandparents.  The following info is all from and the RC Parish of Glenbeigh. The townland that appears in these same records is Cummane.  What I know at this point is:

Patrick Sughrue married Julianne Brewer on Feb 16, 1833. The following info is their children that I have found/am aware of: Mariam/Bapt Dec 1, 1833, Joanna/Bapt Oct 1, 1835, Margaret/Bapt Oct 1, 1835, Timothy/Bapt Nov 1, 1840 and Denis/Bapt Nov 11, 1845. 

The next time I see Mariam is @ her marriage to my ggrandfather, Patrick Rahilly, @ Newtowm,Templebredon, Limerick (RC Parish of Sologhead). I have been unable to learn when she came to Templebredon, if she came with family, with her future husband or another reason. The oldest record I have for Patrick Rahilly is him receiving a Poverty Relief Loan in 1843 @ 21yrs of age, in Templebredon

I believe Patrick Sughrue had at least one brother, Denis Sughrue, as he appears as sponsors @ the baptisms of Timothy & Denis Sughrue.

I look forward to any info anyone might be able to share.

Kevin Reilly, Massachusetts, USA




Kevin Reilly

Friday 4th Aug 2017, 03:02PM

Message Board Replies

  • Kevin:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    We have a parish liaison for Glenbeigh parish. I will alert her that you have posted a message. If you have not heard back in ten days or so, let me know.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 4th Aug 2017, 04:56PM
  • Hi Roger,

    As requested, I have not yet heard from the Glenbeigh parish liason


    Kevin Reilly


    Kevin Reilly

    Wednesday 16th Aug 2017, 05:14PM
  • Kevin:

    Sorry you did not received a response from Glenbeigh. 

    I took a look at your family. The Glenbeigh RC parish baptismal records start in 1827 and marriage records in 1830 so you will not be able to find out any addiitonal info prior to 1827. From what I can see, Denis Sugrue was married to a Honora Connell probably before 1827. There are baptismal records for some of their children. I agree he was likely a brother to Patrick.

    Glenbeigh to Templebredon is a very good distance. Perhaps she went to Tipperary for a work opportunity and then met Patrick Rahilly.

    The 1852 Griffiths Valuation head of household listing for Glenbehy civil parish shows many Sugrues including a Patrick in Commaun townland which would likely be your ancestor. There are also two Denis records.

    I checked the civil death record indexes and there are mant Patrick Sugrue deaths in the Cahersiveen registration district. I saw one in 1872 for a Patrick who died at age 80. Right now only images of death records from 1891-1965 are online but eventually the ones for 1864-1890 will come online. At that point you can check the records.






    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 16th Aug 2017, 06:03PM
  • Dear Kevin, when I was a boy growing up in the Irish section of The Town of Winchendon,Ma there was a Shugrue family. Mary & her brother Denis . The majority of the Irish living there were from Co. Kerry . I was related to most of them thru marriages in Ireland or in the USA. My people were from The Townland of Coomasaharn outside of Glenbeigh. 14 families of Quirks lived there before the Famine. I have visited there twice. My grandpa left in 1867 & finally settled in Winchendon,MA. We are about a mile from the NH. Border. Mary sold penny candy to us kids. Her brother Denis worked for the town Public Works. Those were wonderful days growing up there. It was a different time. People cared about each other. Drop me a line. God Bless. Tommy Quirk.

    Thursday 17th Aug 2017, 03:58PM
  • Thank you Tommy Quirk.  I am very familiar with Winchendon, MA.  I am in Fitchburg, MA., a short 16mi. done RT12. May I ask where you are located? As you probably already know Sughrue (any number of different spellings) is almost exclusive to Kerry. I will look at the Winchendon connection to try to determine if any of these Sughrue's are from the same group.  My grandfather Jame Rahilly (son of Mariam Sughrue, grandson of Patrick Sughrue) came to Fitchburg in 1883. One thing I discovered in my research was that our name is actually Rahilly.  The passenger list/ship manifest indicated James Reilly and Timothy Reilly (James' younger brother).  The irish records all indicate Rahilly.  I have been able to make contact with a number of direct descendent of Patrick Rahilly (James & Timothy's older brother). They are all Rahilly's in the general area Templebredon, Limerick to this day.

    Kevin Reilly

    Friday 18th Aug 2017, 03:55PM
  • Sorry if this is hijacking this thread, but Hi Tommy!

    my searches indicate I have Quirke ancestors from Coomsaharn too. I live in Dublin, Ireland - my people weren't big emigrators. I think that my great-great-grandmother was Margaret Quirk (26/5/1842 - 6/6/1919), who married Timothy Sullivan. Her parents, I think, were Thomas Quirk & Catherine (Griffin). Any relation? Although I suppose they're all related if you go back far enough...


    I haven't visited there yet but definitely have to, along with Ballinakilla outside Glenbeigh, where my Sullivan and Powells ancestors resided.


    Steve Brennan.


    Saturday 19th Aug 2017, 10:37AM
  • Hi Steve, My grandfather was Thomas Quirk Jr. His parents were Michael & Catherine Quirk. He came to the USA in 1867 & settled in Winchendon,Ma. He married Johanna Shea from Fitchburg,Ma. She was from Cahirciveen,Co.Kerry. Their children were, John,Maurice,Thomas my father, Joseph & Bridget . Look at Griffths Valuations, for Glenbeigh , Co. Kerry. Very emotional moment to see what my grandpa seen growing up as a boy. My mom's people are from Ennistymon,Co. Clare. Great to hear from you. Had a great time in Dublin. So much to see. My big interest is The War of independence & The Big Fellow. Have many books on it & with the computer so much more information. I am very proud of my Irish heritage & all they did for the USA. Drop me a line again & let me know if you have any more information. God Bless. Tommy.

    Saturday 19th Aug 2017, 04:00PM
  • Hi Kevin, I live at 369 Maple st in Winchendon. It's up the road from The Harbor restaurant heading into Winchendon on 202.

    Saturday 19th Aug 2017, 04:51PM
  • Roger, could you put me in contact with The Glenbeigh Parish liaison . Thanks. Tommy Quirk.

    Saturday 19th Aug 2017, 04:57PM
  • I'm new to all this , but my grandmother is a Sugrue I notice a difference in spelling so not sure if connected but she is from cromane (very near glenbeigh) her mother was a rahilly whom married a timothy Sugrue ...


    Sunday 10th May 2020, 12:44AM
  • Hi all Sugrue families, I am interested in finding out if there is any connections of the Sugrue and Cluvane (Clifford) family still living in Glenbeigh area or elsewhere. Gobinet Cluvane was born to Hanora Sugrue and Daniel Cluvane circa 1834. She had at least four siblings. Other surnames that seem to be connected to the family are Riordan, Moriarty, Sweeney, and Foley …Perhaps Hanora may have been connected to some of your families..  Thanks,John P.Reidy.


    Sunday 5th Dec 2021, 09:37PM

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