
James McGrath1804

James McGrath 1804

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James McGrath of Dromore, Tyrone was born in 1804. He was the son of a blacksmith, and was transported to Australia in 1827. He arrived in Australia in 1828 to begin a life sentence for manslaughter of a police officer. He received a pardon and settled in a small farming community Cambewarra. He married Susan Corrigan also of Dromore Tyrone, in Sydney in 1845. They had 2 sons, James and Henry, as well as 2 daughters, Ann and Susannah. He died in 1885 aged 81.


Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1804
Date of Death 1st Jan 1885
Spouse (First Name/s and Maiden/Surname) Susan Corrigan


  • James McGrath was my great great grandfather.  His son Henry was the father of my grandmother Annie Susanna McGrath and other siblings.  I am glad that I found this site.


    Rosanne Newton (Bull)


    Rosanne Newton

    Thursday 17th November 2022 12:40AM

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