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My second great grandmother was from Kilfinny. She was Johanna Fennessy born 1833.

She married Patrick Keelan of Adare in Croagh in November 1850 and they went to live in Liverpool.

I can't trace Johanna's birth records. I don't think the parish recorded them until a few years later

However I would be grateful if anyone can let me know if they have in their family tree a Johanna Fennessy who was known by the rest of the family to have married a Patrick Keelan from Adare? There are several people with the name of Johanna Fennessy who appear on records in Limerick around that time and I can't be sure which of them if any could be her. So someone would have to have a piece of the family jigsaw which I would recognise in order for me to make the connection. Anyway, if anyone thinks this is also their family, maybe through a sibling of Johanna, please reply.


Friday 2nd Jun 2017, 05:41PM

Message Board Replies

  • Anne:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    Hopefully someone with Fennessy connections will see your message and post a comment.

    As you indicated the Kilfinny/Croagh RC records start in 1836   I searched on Roots Ireland from 1836-1846 for Fennessy baptismal records in Croagh/Kilfinny RC records and only two records came up. Different fathers so different families. Maybe one is connected to Johanna.

    Roger McDonnell

    Name:Susan FennessyDate of Birth:
    Date of Baptism:07-Jan-1837Address:?Parish/District:CROAGHGender:UnknownCountyCo. LimerickDenomination:Roman Catholic
    Father:Nicholas FennessyMother:Mary FennessyOccupation:
    Sponsor 1 /
    Informant 1:Owen O'Neill Sponsor 2 /
    Informant 2:Bgt Fitzgerald

    Name:Bridget FennessyDate of Birth:
    Date of Baptism:22-Jan-1838Address:?Parish/District:CROAGHGender:UnknownCountyCo. Limerick
    Denomination:Roman Catholic
    Father:James FennessyMother:Hannah HurleyOccupation:
    Sponsor 1 /
    Informant 1:Js Clancy Sponsor 2 /
    Informant 2:My Hurley 

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 2nd Jun 2017, 06:44PM
  • Hello Roger and thanks very much for trying to find details for me. Either of these might be her parents; on the one hand, the names Mary and Nicholas are family names which have come down the line, but on the other hand Johanna was known as Hannah and appears as such on several subsequent records,and the mother in the other set of records is listed as Hannah!

    It can be quite a frustrating hobby can this genealogy! Anyway thanks very much for this. It is useful to have a couple of potential leads.As you say, someone somewhere might just hold the key. Best wishes, Anne


    Saturday 3rd Jun 2017, 04:41PM
  • Hi Anne Greetings from New Zealand. Sorry I can't be of any help but I have just looked at my Griffiths Valuation for the Parish of Kilfinny and note that Nicholas Fennessy shared 11 acres of land with my Hannan relatives. He also lived next to Michael Kelly who's daughter married William Hannan (my great, great grandfather) Grifffiths was taken (or published) in 1852 for this Parish. I was at this farm last August for a Hannan gathering, as my relatives are still on this same land. Interestingly enough, I can find no Fennessy sponsors or inter-marriage to the large Hannan family. I also note that in this same Griffiths Valuation there were lots of Hannans 7 fennessy's. We were lucky enough to find the will of a spinster who left her money to all her living siblings and neices and nephews. She had gone to Boston and although only a domestic servant, she had accumulated a massive $7300 American dollars. Because the probate listed the addresses of all the benefactors we were able to prove this was indeed our Ellen Hannan. Maybe you will get lucky like this. Were there any Fennessy's in the 1901 Irish census that you could trace to prove/disprove that they were connected or can you find the probates of the Keelan family or the births of their children that might give you another peice of the jigsaw. I will certainly keep my eyes open when researching my Kilfinny roots. regards Heather Maloney




    Sunday 4th Jun 2017, 10:04PM

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