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My Purtle family were supposedly from Drom. I have searched the NLI Drom records and find nothing, John would have been born about 1790's and possibly married a Mary Connell. They died in Croom, Limerick. A son Patrick was born abt 1818 and married Margaret Herreen abt 1839. In 1840 they migrated to South Australia. I can't find any connection to Drom for this lot though! Help very much appreciated for my brick wall:(





Wednesday 3rd May 2017, 05:27AM

Message Board Replies

  • Dawnie:

    Hello again!

    I searched for records for John and Thomas on two different subscription data bases and again got no positive leads. 

    Have you considered autosomal DNA testing? Possibly you will have matches with connections to these families.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 3rd May 2017, 05:40PM
  • Hi Roger, thank you for your help! I have not done the DNA testing as yet and am not sure if any other descendants of Patrick have either. Guess that's the next step!





    Saturday 20th May 2017, 01:57AM
  • Roger, 

    I have since done DNA testing with Ancestry and uploaded my dna to Gedmatch SQ3424334. I am also on MyHeritage and FTDNA.


    Friday 21st Oct 2022, 12:19AM
  • Dawnie:

    Good to hear from you! I assume you are contacting your top matches on each data base to see which family line is your connection. All the best with your research!



    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 21st Oct 2022, 03:20PM

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