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My wife's great-grandmother was a Margaret Kildea who was born sometime around 1844 in County Galway:

Unfortunately, we don't have her marriage records which would give us her father, possibly because it was an army wedding.

Recently, my son did a DNA test and has matches with to different families that have Kildea / Gildea ancestry from Galway:

* Michael Gildea born November 25th, 1843; his sister Mary born October 3rd, 1934; their sister Brigid born November 9th, 1937; all born in Derrygoolin, Woodford. Their parents are Thomas Gildea and Catherine Clarke.

* Bridget Annie Maria Kildea/Gildea and her sister Mary born in the 1840s in Galway. Although they don't have records saying where, the wider family is known to come from Wooford. They emigrated to Melbourne in the 1850s.

What we don't know is how these all link up. As the two other families have a Mary they all can't be the children of Thomas and Catherine, but Margaret might fit in there (my son is a stronger match for the first family) or they could all be cousins.

One complicating factor is that the Woodford baptism records seem to be missing between 1843 an 1851 (the period some of these births would fall into) and only starts in 1823 (so we'd not catch the birth of the parents - the marriage records are missing from 1833 to 1851, so we can't even pick the parents up there):

The interesting thing is that Margaret is the source of wife and sons' mitochondrial DNA. So if we could establish the line of direct female descent from the other Kildeas it might be that we could test the various hypotheses. However, manage to find those links and being able to test them is tricky.

Anyway, while we are working on that, I thought I'd throw this in, as there might be other records or gravestones or something that might help bridge the missing information.

Friday 14th Apr 2017, 11:46PM

Message Board Replies

  • I also notice there is another thread on here (just not in this section) on Kildeas in the area, the ages of the children would put them in a similar generation to the above:…

    Friday 14th Apr 2017, 11:48PM
  • Oh and my son's autosomal DNA test is on FTDNA (just search for the ancestral surname of Kildea) and on GEDmatch: Z184032

    Friday 14th Apr 2017, 11:57PM
  • There are other Kildeas who went from Woodford to Australia who would have been in a similar generation to the above:…

    A Patrick Gildea was born around 1841 and moved to Staffordshire and then London:…

    I also found a later Gildea in Derrygoolin:

    And another who moved from Derrygoolin to Illinois:

    Also this Tithe Appointment Book from 1834 which includes a number of Kildeas (and a Hogan, which is the surname of Margaret's son-in-law, who came from Borrisokane):…

    Saturday 15th Apr 2017, 04:47AM
  • Billy:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    We have a parish liaison in Woodford so I will e-mail her and alert her to your message.

    Let me know if you have not heard anything in ten days.

    By the way, there is a gap in the Woodford RC baptismal records from November 1843-March 1851 and the marriage gap is longer October 1833 March 1851.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Saturday 15th Apr 2017, 04:16PM
  • Hi Billy - I'm tracing my roots in Woodford too. No Kildea connections that I know of but I have come accross that name. Have you checked the 1889 Woodford Parish Census (updated in 1897)? There are Kildeas in Fetherstone Mountain and Derrygoolin.  I know it's later than the time period you're researching but perhaps it will have clues that help you move back in time. - Liz



    Sunday 16th Apr 2017, 03:20AM
  • Liz, thanks for that it looks to be very useful. Due to the gap mentioned earlier I have been thinking about plotting out more recent Kildeas and this helps push things back before 1901 census.

    Sunday 16th Apr 2017, 04:58AM
  • I am also a descendant from Woodford Parish living in Melbourne, although we have no match nor do I have Kildea in any form in my tree. I will be in touch via your sons email on gedmatch. Sue


    Sunday 16th Apr 2017, 06:11AM
  • Hi Billy,

    My family is from the same area (Cloonoon) and I have been trying to do some research with Kildea and/or gildea but with the gaps mentioned in earlier posts it hard to narrow things down. My best suggestion, if you haven't do so aleady, is to use the link below. It seems there were several Kildea/Gildea in the Derryrober and few neigbouring townlands.

    Use either Portumna or Loughrea ( for more rescent years i.e. 1930 to present) as the district office. 

    Good luck with you research

    Ciaran O'Shaughnessy

    Ciaran O'Shaughnessy

    Tuesday 18th Apr 2017, 12:45AM
  • Hi Billy.

    My grandmother name was Margaret Gildea born 1895 in New Inn Ballinasloe Co Galway.I have researched Kildea/Gildea in the

    area and i have information on the Woodford Kildea family.I have informed the Woodford family and they are delighted to get the news.

    Please feel free to contact me at the email address below.

    Joe Duane

    Liam Irwin

    Sunday 23rd Apr 2017, 08:13PM
  • Re above post.Please direct replies to Joe Duane. We are both using same computer this evening,my name appears on Joe,s post in error-Liam irwin.

    Liam Irwin

    Sunday 23rd Apr 2017, 08:18PM
  • Considering a year ago, we didn't know very much about Margaret Kildea (we even had her maiden name wrong! It was suggested that she was a Bolger, but I ordered a couple of her children's birth certificates, which gave us the right surname) and now, thanks to Joe, we have a line of communication to the Gildea family in Woodford (who originally came from Derrygoolin). So lets of progress.

    I've now started a Gildea Family project on which should also help bring together the wider family branches:

    If there is interest in a Gildea DNA project on FTDNA, we can look into that too.

    Tuesday 25th Apr 2017, 02:11PM
  • Hi all Kildea/Gildeas.

     I am Bill's son's closest match after his father on gedmatch ..My mother was  Bridget Ann Gildea from. Derrygoolin. My grand-parents were Patrick Gildea and Nora Mahon. My great- grand parents on Gildea side were Michael Gildea and Bridget Cleary. My gggrand parents were Thomas Gildea and I think Catherine Clarke. There were 4 Thomas Kildeas on record in the parish at that time . One married Mary McLoughlin, one Winnifred Roughan  one Mary Burke and one Catherine Clarke.I am looking forward to other Kildea descendants getting their dna results on gedmatch. The Edward who went to Illinois was my grand-father's youngest brother.


    Monday 1st May 2017, 03:25PM
  • Right I've added Michael Gildea in to link the Illinois branch to Nora's and added Nora to the tree too:

    Wednesday 10th May 2017, 01:36AM
  • Hi.

    I now know that my Great great grand -parents's names were Thomas Gildea and Winnifred Roughan not Catherine Clark as I had written on Monday 1st May 2017. I finally found that out a couple of weeks ago.



    Thursday 22nd Feb 2018, 04:23PM
  • Hi, my great 4x Great grandparents were Thomas Kildea/Kildee (1805-1885) and Catharine Clarke (1810- x). They show up on census records in Whitehall, NY in 1850. They settled in Iowa with all but one of their children who remained in PA I believe.    Does anyone have a GEDmatch kit # so we can compare to see if it's the same family?



    Tuesday 10th Apr 2018, 09:21PM
  • Hi, mjL200.

    As there were 4 Thomas Gildeas married with families from Woodford parish at that time I wasn't sure at first which one was mine. I found out about 3 months ago that my  GGGrand parents were Thomas Gildea and Winnifred Roughan.I though for awhile it was Catherine Clarke. My Gedmatch number is T454943. I'd imagine that most of the Gildeas were related if we could go far enough back. All my ancestors are from the parish of Woodford , so I have a match with an awful lot of people whose ancestors came from Woodford.



    Wednesday 11th Apr 2018, 09:14PM
  • Hello all,

    My son's GEDmatch kit # is:


    If anyone has any male Gildea descendants then it might be possible to link together the various branches using Y DNA. If we got at least one, I'd look into starting a Gildea Project over on FTDNA. I've added a note on Geni:

    To keep things joined up I've left a note in the Geni Gildea project pointing back here:


    Friday 20th Apr 2018, 09:49PM
  • Nora, we definitely have a match. Kit- M048793​ is my mother. 4.9 generations to a common ancestor. My kit is private but it also says 4.9 generations to common ancestor.  My Kildea family was Thomas Kildea and Catharine Clarke. When they came to America they changed their spelling to Kildee. There aren't many Kildees around the US. But there is a congressman from Michigan I must be related to. What family history do you know? Your family came from Derrygoolin? I'm heading to Ireland very soon and planning to visit the area. Do you know if there are still Kildeas in the area?    Thanks, Meleah







    Sunday 22nd Apr 2018, 03:32PM
  • Meleah, I've added you to the group - if you add in what you have we can see how everything joins up.

    I've also added Kildee to the name variations so it is easier to find via Google. Have you seen the following?:


    Monday 23rd Apr 2018, 02:49AM
  • I looked into it and it looks like the Kildee politicians' direct ancestor was Patrick Kildee/Kildea (seems to be about 50/50 in the records) who emigrated from Ireland:

    So I think it is safe to say that Gildea is quite commonly changed to Kildea and Kildee when outisde Ireland.

    Monday 23rd Apr 2018, 03:50AM
  • However, if he immigrated in:


    or 1856:

    He may have been come with a larger family. Unfortunately, I can't find a marriage registration or immigration records, so can't confirm his parent's.

    There is an 1863 record:

    Monday 23rd Apr 2018, 03:58AM
  • Thanks for that info. Thomas Kildea (1805) and Catharine Clarke (1810) is the farthest back I can go for Kildees, sadly. They had their children that were born in Ireland baptized in Woodford parish. Unable to narrow down what town they lived in. They emigrated prior to 1850. I have family trees on My Heritage and Ancestry. I do not have a lead on either of their parents' names. 

    Monday 23rd Apr 2018, 02:58PM
  • Usually the early 1800s is as far back as you can get through the parish records. You'd need to get luck and stumble across rich folks or minor nobility to go further, unless you got really lucky. Which is where the DNA comes in.

    Tuesday 24th Apr 2018, 01:21AM
  • And if anyone is on FTDNA and has ancestors from Galway they can join this project:

    Tuesday 24th Apr 2018, 04:50AM
  • I've changed the name of Nora's Thomas' wife:

    Now descendants of the other Thomas and Catherine Clarke can add their own branch without their being potential confusion. If anyone has any other details for Winifred then feel free to throw them in.


    Friday 27th Apr 2018, 12:34AM
  • BillyB.

    That Mary Gildea 1934 and Brigid Gildea 1937 you have on that link are not my Gildea line. I don't know who they are. Can you remove them from my Thomas Gildea /Winifred Gildea line please.



    Tuesday 3rd Nov 2020, 09:58PM
  • Billy B.

    Thomas Kildea/Gildea and Winnifred children's names were ,

    Mary 1832?.

    Winnifred 1835.

    Thomas 1836 .

    Michael 1837 .

    Bridget 1837.

    Ann  1844.

    Margaret 1844.

    Julia Ann.1848.

    Catherine 1849.

    Michael my great grand father and Catherine who married Martin Shiel stayed in Ireland. The 6 other girls and Thomas all went to Australia.



    Tuesday 3rd Nov 2020, 10:13PM
  • Hi Nora - I'm a descendant of Catherine and Martin Shiel.


    Do you have any more information on Thomas and Winnifred? - Is Winnifred's maiden name Roughan?


    Kind Regards,


    Thursday 10th Aug 2023, 02:17PM

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