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My ggfather Mathew Moffit, a tailor, b.1825 was said to have two children by a previous marriage: James and Mary Ann. I have found the second marriage (to my ggmother Bridget Kilboy) in 1854. I have been unable to find any marriage or births prior to that date. Now I find record in the 1851 Census for England for a Mathew Moffit, tailor, b.1823 with children James and Mary Ann. But it says all of them (Matt, wife, kids) were born in Liverpool. I could believe this record was "mine" if it said Mathew had been born in Ireland because I know a lot of Irish emigrated to Liverpool. It would make sense to leave during the Famine Years. But I can't make a case for Mathew leaving Liverpool for Moyoran, Roscommon. I cant find any more records for him in either England or Ireland that would confirm or rule out this possibility. (Like England Census 1841, 1861, or death of Ann Moffit, first wife). Any suggestions? I've gotten pretty familiar with searching Irish records but no experience with English.

Saturday 8th Apr 2017, 02:10PM

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