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Patrick Worrell married Judith Mooney and they had 6 children.  All of the children were born and bapt in Camross parish, Roman Catholic,Ossory Diocese.  3 of their children immgrated to the state of Wisconsin in the USA.  I have no other information on this family in Ireland.  I know William my direct ancestor came over when he was 17 yrs old sometime in 1850's.  He was born in 1827.  I have a copy of his bapt record. The family story is that he was a horse jockey in Ireland and some business men from New York came and brought him to the states to race.  He had a accident and lost one of his arms and had to stop racing.  He than went to Dane co in Wisconsin.  He went back to Ireland to bring his sister Catherine back to the Us during the famine.  I do not know the date.

Thanks so much for your time,


Saturday 4th Feb 2017, 02:46AM

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