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I have used FamilySearch,, IrishGenealogy, 1901 and 1911 census, Griffith Valuation and a book about the Keatings of Caherciveen in gathering my information.

My grandmother was born in 1895 in Derreen, Caher, Kerry (records found on IrishGeneology). Her parents were John Keating (1858-1937) of Derreen, son of James Keating and Judith (Julia) Kelly, and Nora Sullivan of Portmagee (1865-1928), daughter of Timothy Sullivan and Margaret O’Connor. Nora and John are registered as being married in Valencia District at Prior Parish in 1889. His father is identified as James Keating (IrishGenealogy). They are buried at Kilvarnogue Cemetery in Caherciveen. (per the book The Keatings of Caherciveen, County Kerry by John Keating).

I am trying to find out more about John Keating’s Derreen family. John is registered living in Derreen in 1901 but moved his family to Portmagee before 1911. They lived next to the Sullivan household. John’s siblings I think were Michael 1849, James 1850, Norry 1854, and Mary 1861 (sp Maurice Keating). Sponsors for John’s children’s baptisms include- James Keating, Mary Keating, Patrick Keating, Michael Keating, and Bridget Keating. I have not found a birth record for John.

There was a James Keating listed on the Griffith Valuation as leasing land in Derreen, Caher in 1852. I have no record supporting Julia Kelly’s and his marriage which must have been around 1848. I have been told that James probably was part of John Joseph Keating and Mary Creagh’s family. It was suggested that his father was Maurice? In the 1901 census a James Keating, age 67, is shown living with his daughter Mary, age 26 (unless the records are wrong, she would have been too young), in Derreen. In 1911 a James Keating, age 86, is living with his daughter, Mary, age 39, and son-in-law, Cornelius Keating in Derreen.

I would appreciate any assistance you can provide in helping me find information about the Keatings of Derreen, a birth record for John Keating, and helping me answer if and how James is connected to John James Keating’s family.

Thank you,


Sunday 8th Jan 2017, 12:46AM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Mary

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out! 

    It seems that you have gathered quite a bit of information about these families and have looked in the right places for record sources. It is a question now I think of making sense of what you have.

    I would suggest that you make out a handwritten family tree on a large piece of paper. While this is a very basic approach it will show what you know and leave gaps indicating what you need to find out. Once you know the latter you can continue to use to search out missing records. It would be a good idea too to concentrate on each person individually and try to find out all you can about them before moving to the next person and actually write out a list of what it is you have left to locate. You can use John Grenham's site to show you the dates of record availability. Parish records for Cahirciveen begin in 1846 for example and won't be available for any time before that for baptism or marriage events in that parish. 

    In that way too if you take a break and come back to it later you won't have to go through everything again to refresh your mind on what work you have done. 

    If the parish records do not exist (due to accident - fire/flood etc or were not created early enough) at least you will know that you have searched as much as you can. Beyond Irishgenealogy it might be a good idea to look at some local newspapers if you can access them on the Irish Newspaper archives or Find My Past as they sometimes include obituary notices. Don't forget to use Irishgenealogy for deaths too after 1864 as well as births and earlier baptisms. In the meantime hopefully someone with a connection to the family will be in touch. 

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Friday 20th Jan 2017, 12:22PM
  • Clare,

    Thank you for responding back. You offered some good suggestions I will checkout.



    Friday 20th Jan 2017, 07:01PM
  • This is a follow-up to my 2017 message.

    In 2019, I visited John and Nora Keatings' gravesite at Kilvarnogue Cemetery, Caherciveen and found two other Keating gravesites next to theirs, and wondered if they all relate back to Derreen, Caher.

    At Kilvarnogue Cemetery, Caherciveen, where my great grandparents, John and Nora Keating, are buried, there is a gravesite next to theirs for the Keatings of Gurrane, Portmagee. There is a low border around these two graves.

    In 1900 there were two Keatings living Gurrane, Portmagee, who could have been John's brothers- Michael (1849-) married to Catherine Sullivan and Maurice (1848-1900) married to Mary Donoghue (died) and Margaret Bourke. Both Michael and Maurices' marriage records show James Keating as father. In 1897, a James Keating, born about 1819, died in Gurrane, Portmagee. Margaret Keating witnessed. I assume this was Maurice's wife. Could this James be John Keating's father? Perhaps he had moved from Derreen along with Maurice and Michael? John's father might not be the James Keating living with Mary and Cornelius Keating in 1911 in Derreen at age 86.

    Also, at Kilvarnogue Cemetery, there is a third gravesite for Andrew Keating of Ballard. It is next to the Keatings of Gurrane, Portmagee but outside the border. Andrew (1886-1957) parents were Patrick Keating and Nora Daly. On his marriage record, Patrick was listed as living in Derreen, father- James. I have close DNA connections to Patrick's family, some went to Indianapolis, Indiana. I believe Patrick is John's brother.

    Is anyone familiar with these Keating families?

    Thank you- Mary



    Saturday 17th Jul 2021, 12:49PM
  • Correction to my previous message-

    Andrew Keating's parents were Patrick Keating anf Johanna Sullivan.

    Regards- Mary


    Saturday 17th Jul 2021, 01:28PM

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