Michael McGrath1773

Michael McGrath 1773

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Michael McGrath is my 4th great grandfather and was born sometime between 1773-1778.  He was convicted in the County of Kilkenny , Ireland for the crime of Irish Rebel in April 1808 and given 7 years transportation to Australia, departing from Cork on the "Boyd" and arriving in Australia on 14 Aug 1809. He married Elizabeth Sommerville on 19 May 1812 in Sydney, NSW, Australia and had abt 6 children. I am a descendant of their son Michael McGrath (junior) born 01 Nov 1818. Michael McGrath (senior) died abt 11 January 1852 and was buried on 12 Jan 1852 in New South Wales, Australia.

I do not know anything of his life in Ireland, or his parents or ancestors and would appreciate any information from Ireland Reaching Out.


1. Convict Records  http://www.convictrecords.com.au/convicts/mcgrath/michael/130812

Name:    Michael Mcgrath
Aliases:    none
Gender:    m
Date of Birth:    1773
Occupation:    Labourer
Date of Death:    1852
Age:    79 years
Crime:    Irish rebel
Convicted at:    Kilkenny, Ireland
Sentence term:    7 years
Ship:    Boyd
Departure date:    10th March, 1809
Arrival date:    14th August, 1809
Place of arrival    New South Wales
Passenger manifest    Travelled with 47 other convicts

2. New South Wales BDM Marriage index


3. Marriage Certificate

 Marriages solemnised in the Parish of St. Phillip's, Sydney 
Number 17 Vol 7
Michael McGrath, a prisoner and
Elizabeth Somerville both of this Parish
were married in this church by Banns
this nineteenth day of May in the year 1812
By me Henry Fulton
This marriage was solemnized between us 
Michail McGrath
Elizabeth Somerville, her X mark
In the presence of 
Jas. N. Somerville
Wm. Stevenson, his X mark
Copy of particulars in a Register of Church of England Marriages

4. Burial Certificate

Number: 794 Vol:118
Name: Michael McGrath
Abode: Benevolent Asylum
Age: 74 Years
Quality or Profession: Labourer
Ship's Name: "Boyd"
When Died: -
When Buried: 12th January 1852
Where ceremony performed: Parish of St. James, County of Cumberland
By whom the ceremony was performed: Rev. D.M.O. Connell
Copy of particulars recorded in a Register of Roman Catholic Burials
Parish of St James, Count of Cumberland

Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1773 (circa)
Date of Death 11th Jan 1852

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