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My great-grandfather Patrick O'Neill was born on Valentia Island in 1853, son of John O'Neill and Mary Foley.   I was told by someone that we may be related to the Renard O'Neills, but I don't really know.  Patrick's siblings were John, Daniel, Maria (Muh-RYE-uh), and Michael  Foley O'Neill, born in Revenue Larahan, Valentia Island.  They all moved to Merthyr Tydfil in the early to mid 1870's for jobs at the steel mill.  The elder John O'Neill died in Wales in 1879 and his wife a few years later.  All of the children except John made their way to New York and New London, Connecticut in the mid 1880's.  Any information would be greatly appreciated!  

Best Regards,


Jim (O'Neill) Condon

Vermont, USA

Friday 25th Nov 2016, 08:25PM

Message Board Replies

  • Jim:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out! has Co. Kerry church records. I searched for Patrick's baptismal record and in fact could not find any O'Neil baptismal record from 1850-1860 where the surname Foley was also contained in the record. Here is the link to the parish register for Valentia I would search around 1853 to see if you can find the records for Patrick and his siblings.

    Let me know if you have questions.

    Roger McDonnell


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 25th Nov 2016, 08:59PM

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