Edmond Kearney (Carney)1765

Edmond Kearney (Carney) 1765

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Teermore (Tiermore) is a townland of about 324 acres in the parish of Kilbreedy Major, Co. Limerick.

The earliest (so far :)) mention of the Kearney family living in Teermore comes from the book: Staker Wallace, His Life and Times and Death by Mainchín Seoighe. The book makes reference to a document in the National Archives of Ireland listing the tenants of Teermore on Apr 23 1816.

Edmond Carney is one of the names on that list.

I believe this Edmond is either my great-great-great-great-grandfather or the brother of my great-great-great-grandfather.

All I know is that since 1816 there have always been Kearneys living in Teermore (6 or 7 generations). And that our family has spread to the townlands of Bawnagh, Ballymacshaneboy and Darranstown.

Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1765 (circa)
Date of Death 1st Jan 1845 (circa)


  • Do you have any records of a JOhn Carney born 1810 in Limerick? 

    His name was changed to Kearney after he moved to the US

    Thursday 2nd August 2018 02:19AM
  • Hi Connie,

    I don't have a John Kearney in my tree from that time.

    But there was a lot of Kearney families in County Limerick at that time, mainly in Sunville, Ardpatrick, Lough Gur and Kilmallock town.

    Do you know when your John moved to the US?

    Sunday 5th August 2018 06:12PM

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