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On 24 Mar 1846, William Buchanan of Binnawooda married Ann Thompson of Collow in Lower Longfield Parish, Tyrone, Ireland. I believe this is the same was West Longfield or Longfield West.

In 1847, during the height of the great famine, they set sail for Canada with William's parents Andrew and Jane, and William's siblings and their familes and one or two of Ann's siblings. After 10 days at sea, the ship was nearly destroyed in a severe storm and had to return for repairs. 

On a second attempt, a plague of "immigrant fever" broke out, and several people died, including William's father Andrew and a baby daughter. After quarantine in Kingston, the family came west to Esquesing, Ontario, where the men found work in the grain harvest. The women and children spent the winter in North Easthope, where they had Irish friends, while the men trekked north into uncharted wilderness to build shanties and clear land for the families. They were pioneer settlers in an unsurveyed district of huge trees. 

Later, some of the men found winter employment working in the big gold mines on the Comstock Lode of Nevada, returning to Elma, Perth County, Ontario to work on their farms during the summer. The journey from Donegal, Ontario to Gold Hill, Nevada took 11 days by train and by horseback.

It was undoubtedly a tough life, but they approached life with courage and enthusiasm. 

Bill Buchanan

Wednesday 5th Oct 2016, 06:46PM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Bill

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out and apologies for the long delay in getting back to you. This is a great story of overcoming adversity and living with sad and difficult memories.

    I wanted to invite you to add your ancestor's details to our XO Chronicles. You can learn more about it HERE and it might be another avenue to consider so that your ancestor's details can be seen by others. 

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Wednesday 19th Oct 2016, 01:33PM

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