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My Mangan ancestor, James MANGAN, is listed as residing in Caheragh Townland, Kilfergus Parish in 1830.  He was married to Mary TREAHY- I have seen other spellings for her surname.

The family is also listed as coming from Glin. There are 2 children that I know of, Ellen (b.1831) and Michael (my ancestor) was baptised in the Askeaton Parish in Nov 1833. He married Hanorah (Nora) DORE in the Athea parish on 22 Feb 1852.  Her parents were Maurice DORE and Margaret CREEDON.

Michael & Nora emigrated to South Australia with their family.

Any information about any of these families would be greatly appreciated.

Cheers, Jenny (nee Mangan)


Thursday 22nd Sep 2016, 10:35PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hello again Jenny!

    I checked Roots Ireland and located six baptismal records for children of Maurice Dore and Margaret Creedon. The first record I looked at was in Athea RC parish so I assume all six were in Athea. For your information, the Athea records start in April 1830 so it is possible Hanorah was born prior to April 1830.  

    The records I located were: Edmond and Maurice in 1831 (assume twins) Johanna 1832 John 1835 Maurice 1837 Catherine 1841. I assume the the 1831 Maurice died young and a second child was named after thr father. You can scan the register to see the actual records.

    Maurice is not shown in the 1850 Griffiths Valuation head of household listing so it is possible he had died. There was a John Mangan and a Michael Mangan in Caheragh.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 23rd Sep 2016, 06:19PM
  • Jenny:

    Sorry! I meant to include a link to the Griffiths.


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 23rd Sep 2016, 06:24PM
  • Thanks again Roger.

    Michael Mangan in Caheragh is mine and I assume John to be a relative (brother maybe?) but haven't been able to link them yet.

    Also, My Dore family is coming together - thanks for those links too.

    When ALL your ancestors from both my mum & dad are from Ireland, it's not easy to track them down.. Thanks for your help.

    Cheers, Jenny


    Monday 26th Sep 2016, 09:49AM
  • Jenny -

    Don't know if this links up w/ your Dore research but my great x3 grandparents (Thomas Callahan and Margaret Dore) were married in Athea parish in 1831. Most - if not all - of their children were baptized in the next parish over which happens to be in Co. Kerry.  That would have included my great x 2 grandmother who later settled in Syracuse, NY.  A John Dore (a cousin?) also settled in Syracuse and the two families lived close to each other ... trying to establish the connection and learn more about the Dore family in Limerick.


    Saturday 18th Nov 2017, 10:43AM


    My grandparents both came from Athea. They grew up together and emigrated to USA in the 1920’s. My grandfather was Michael Dore, from Gortnagross in Athea. I’m sure he is from the same family as your ancestor. My grandmother was Mary Quille, from Upper Athea. We will be traveling to Athea next month and I plan to look up records at the parish, St Bartholomew. Please let me know if any other information you may have. Thank you cousin!! Maureen Jacobs Dore Jacobs USA




    Saturday 3rd Mar 2018, 03:00AM
  • I think I was so excited I may have mistaken the places in Athea, I may have them mixed them. Either way, both families are from Athea and my father’s cousin still runs the Quille family farm. It is now owned by Patsy Stack. 

    Saturday 3rd Mar 2018, 03:10AM

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