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My name is Tony Brind.  My maternal grandmother was Catherine (Kay)vFarrington nee Berneym( my spelling may be wrong.  My nana, her sisters and brothers were broughtmup in Clongeen.  All butmone movedbto England.  My great Aunt Stasiabremained in Clonggen.  Her married name wasbRochford.

Tuesday 6th Sep 2016, 03:30PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Tony

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    Do you know or can you estimate a year of birth for Catherine - generally our service concentrates on those whose ancestors left after the Great Famine and descendants up to around 1915. If possible, and depending on privacy issues we may be able to go further. 

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Wednesday 7th Sep 2016, 10:12AM

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